Red Bluff Daily News

October 25, 2014

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NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS # CA-13-2850-CS Order # 130180407-CA-API Loan # 9800949860 [PURSUANT TO CIV- IL CODE Section 2923.3(a), THE SUMMARY OF INFORMATION RE- FERRED TO BELOW IS NOT AT- TACHED TO THE RECORDED COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR.] NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFOR- MATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT- TACHED YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 6/20/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings as- sociation, or savings bank speci- fied in Section 5102 to the Finan- cial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but with- out covenant or warranty, ex- pressed or implied, regarding ti- tle, possession, or encumbran- ces, to pay the remaining princi- pal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with inter- est and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advan- ces, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): JOSE DE JESUS GARCIANO, AN UNMARRIED MAN Recorded: 6/27/2008 as Instru- ment No. 2008009018 in book xxx, page xxx of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of TEHAMA County, California; Date of Sale: 11/20/2014 at 2:00 PM Place of Sale: At the main entrance to the Tehama County Courthouse, 633 Washington Street, Red Bluff, CA 96080 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $137,639.34 The purported property address is: 23135 RENO AVENUE GERBER, CA 96035 Assessor's Parcel No. 063- 090-201 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bid- ding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bid- der at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien be- ing auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priori- ty, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county re- corder's office or a title insur- ance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this in- formation. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mort- gage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be post- poned one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a c ourt, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that in- formation about trustee sale postponements be made availa- ble to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 or visit this Internet Web site www.lpsa, using the file number assigned to this case CA-13- 2850-CS. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be re- flected in the telephone infor- mation or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify post- ponement information is to at- tend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrect- ness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common desig- nation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a writ- ten request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and ex- clusive remedy shall be the re- turn of monies paid to the Trust- ee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any rea- son, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Pur- chaser shall have no further re- course against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Date: 10/15/2014 SUMMIT MANAGE- MENT COMPANY, LLC 16745 W. Bernardo Dr., Ste. 100 San Diego, CA 92127 (866) 248-2679 (For NON SALE information only) Sale Line: 714-730-2727 or Login to: w Reinstatement Line: (866) 248-2679 CECILIA STEWART, Trustee Sale Officer If you have previously been dis- charged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intend- ed to exercise the note holders right's against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- POSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a nega- tive credit report reflecting on your credit record may be sub- mitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. A- 4492111 10/25/2014, 11/01/2014, 11/08/2014 RBDN#5330276 10/25/14, 11/1/14, 11/8/14 LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014000303 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: HAY JOE LLC 707-536-5236 16510 Happy Valley Trail Cottonwood, CA 96022 Hay Joe LLC 16510 Happy Valley Trail Cottonwood, CA 96022 The registrant commenced to transact business under the fic- titious business name or names listed above on 10/14/2014 limited liability company S/by: Joey Carnation, CEO Joy Carnation This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tehama County on 10/14/2014 BEVERLY ROSS Tehama County Clerk & Recorder Publish: October 18, 25, Novem- ber 1 and 8, 2014 LEGAL NOTICE LIEN SALE CORNING MINI STORAGE Date: Saturday November 8, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM Pursuant to the California Self- Service Storage Facility Act (B & P Code 21700 et seq) Corning Mini Storage located at 606 Sec- ond St.. Corning, CA will sell at public auction personal proper- ty of the following people: Contents may include furniture, clothing, tools, boxes, and/or other household items: Tina & Nick White Gary Waddell Gene Goodrich Kristine Barnes Estate Deloris Thares James Dennis Sylvia & Sergio Contreras Rikke Halvorson Rachelle Zuppan Ida Garwood Balinda Roberts Dale Aiken Junior Mamea Leslie Towne Prospective bidders are asked to sign up at the office at 8:30 AM. The sale will start at 9:00 AM, sharp. Phone 530-824-5588 in advance for bid requirements. Publish: Saturday, October 25 & November 1, 2014 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Tehama County Airport Land Use Commission will hold a pub- lic hearing commencing on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. at the Board of Super- visors Chambers, Administra- tion Building, 727 Oak Street, Red Bluff, California on the item(s) below. All interested persons are invited to appear and to be heard at said hearing. Please be advised if you chal- lenge one of the item(s) below in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the pub- lic hearing described in this no- tice, or in written correspond- ence delivered to the Tehama County Planning Department, 444 Oak Street, Room "I", Red Bluff, California 96080 at, or prior to, the public hearing. ALUC #14-02, CRANE WALNUT SHELLING, INC., OWNER. Com- patibility Determination for es- tablishing a 5.42 acre private ground mount solar facility on the west side of the Corning Mu- nicipal Airport and within the Overflight Zone Safety Area. The ground mount solar facility will be located approximately 1,400 feet east of Grange Road and 200 feet west of the runway in an M-1-H:25; Light Industrial- Special Building Height (25 foot height limitation) Combining Zoning District. APN: 075-020-20. Publish: October 25, 2014 LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Section 54972 of the California Government Code, no- tice is hereby given that vacancies will occur December 31, 2014 on the following City of Red Bluff commissions: Airport Commission: 2 vacancies Audit Committee: 1 vacancy (one year appoint- ment) Loan Committee Member: 1 vacancy (one year appoint- ment) Parks and Recreation Commis- sion: (One - 3 year term) (One Student - 1-year term) (One appointment to fill a term to expire 12/31/15) Planning Commission: 2 vacancies Interested parties may submit applications, which may be ob- tained at Red Bluff City Hall, 555 Washington Street, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The closing date for receiving appli- cations is Wednesday, Novem- ber 19, 2014 at 5 p.m. Members of boards and com- missions and consultants to state and local government agencies are also required by the City of Red Bluff's conflict of Interest Code to disclose their personal financial interests if they make or participate in mak- ing governmental decisions that could affect their private finan- cial interests. For more information, contact the Deputy City Clerk's Office at 527-2605 ext. 3057. CHERYL L. SMITH Deputy City Clerk Publish: October 25, November 4 and 8, 2014 FOUND: 2 goats- Corning Area off Hall Road 824-0996 SEASONED WOOD Oak or Almond Delivered. Call 527-3638 FOUND: 2 goats- Corning Area off Hall Road 824-0996 LOST: CHIHUAHUA. near Fox Ave. Fawn in color. Un- der bite. 10/13 530-527-5260 or 530- 736-2114. Reward! EXP. KITCHEN Cook Apply in person Palomino Room 723 Main Street No Phone Calls! JOB DEVELOPER needed to develop vocational opportu- nities for people with disabilities within their com- munity. Other du- ties: monitor job methods, standards, and time studies to Dept. of labor Stand- ards. Experience in job development of sales and market- ing. 40 hrs per week $9.45 per hour with benefit package. Must be (25 yrs + old) must be insura- ble, pass drug screening/negative TB test, DOJ back- ground check and a health screen. Apply at North Valley Services at 1040 Washington Street Red Bluff CA. '93 DODGE Intrepid ES, Great shape, Luxury pkg. A/C & CD. $1700. 530-527-4954. 1/1 194 Gilmore Rd $550 mo 2/1 45 Byron Ave $595 mo NO PETS (530) 385-2254 1195 Orange St. 2 bd., 1 ba. quiet location. $550. Call 530-366-0202 2 bd 1ba duplex avail in Corning $525- + $600 dep. NO PETS. 347-9425 2bd house, w/ fenced yard. $650/mo. $400 dep. proof of income 530- 527-4181. LG HOME on Sac River 3bd 2ba + bo- nus rm, pool & yd w/serv incld, $1650 206-310-6180 lv msg or 206-799-5568 TOTALLY REMODELED 3bd/2ba, w/ CHA, new carpet, on 3/4 of acre, with 1000 sqft shop, $1150/mo 530 321 2509 FURNISHED/PEACEFUL $450, inc utilities, W/D, kitch priv, pvt deck, 646 8002 485 Antelope Blvd #G 500sf $400 mo 485 Antelope Blvd #C 500sf $400 mo 485 Antelope Blvd #K & #L 1000sf $800 mo 440 Antelope Blvd #10 1500sf $950 mo 530-385-2254 20 CORD of 16" seasoned oak, take all at $200 per cd or $225 for single cds. 518-3456 in Los Molinas 16" DRY oak, euca- lyptus, short pieces of oak de- livered 529 1166 oak almond and pine, oak & almond $250 cord, pine $180 cord, 530 366 1091 SEASONED WOOD Oak or Almond Delivered. Call 527-3638 FOR SALE Delta 10" table saw 220V, 3hp, 52" Biesemier fence $1000. 530-200-5222 SEASONED WALNUT $170,EUCALYPTUS $200, ALMOND $235 cord 5 3 0 - 9 5 3 - 9292/530-567-2096 YARD SALE Fri-Sun Oct 24-26 9am-2pm if not rain Sat. Christmas, Halloween decor, misc items, fishing equip, Household items, china cabinet & more. 1490 Orange Street off Acacia RB HUGE MULTI-FAMILY Yard Sale Friday & Saturday 7:30am-1pm Tri County Drilling & Pump 20911 Walnut Street. Furniture, bedding, baby items, house- wares, and much more. Rain OR Shine!!!! e}a otVes e}a otVes e}a otVes e}a otVes Apartments for Rent New Today oÕn` ost Food&Lounge General Employment AÕtomoLes Apartments for Rent Apts for Rent] 1nfÕrnse` Duplexes Unit Rental omes for Rent] 1nfÕrnse` Room for Rent Õsness Rentas ee`] ertâer an` reÜoo` sVeaneoÕs erVan`se reÜoo` "1 /- ÕViiÌà ÃÌ E Õ` ÌVià *iÀÃ>à -,6 - >}Éi`} ` >Ài -*ÀviÃÃ> -iÀÛVià -VÃ] ÃÌ° /À}° *"9 / iiÀ> i« 7>Ìi` ViÃi` ÌÀ>VÌÀà ->iëi«i 7>Ìi` 7À 7>Ìi` /, -*",//" ÕÌÌÛi ÕÌ -iÀÛViÉ*>ÀÌà ÕÌÉ/ÀÕVà 7>Ìi` VÞVià >Ìà E 7>ÌiÀVÀ>vÌ ÌÀVÞViÃ] -VÌiÀà ,6] /À>iÀÃ] >«iÀà /ÀÕVÃ] *VÕ«Ã] 6>Ã] {Ý{½Ã xÎä xÓÇÓ£x£ "7 /" * 9"1, -- \ £nxxÈÈÇÓÓxx ,-- *" ÝÓÓä],i` Õvv] ] " - 1- x{x >` Ûi°] ,i` Õvv] \ää > x\ää «° - 8 xÎäxÓÇxÇÇ{ ½Ì vÀ}iÌ ÞÕÀ >i] >``ÀiÃà E «i ÕLiÀ 7 */ "vvVi ÕÀÃ\ " °,° n\ääx\ää Ãi` ->ÌÕÀ`>Þ] -Õ`>Þ E >À `>Þà 7- 9 , 1 / "1 /9 / 6 " " / " 1 / 9 - £ n n x i>`iÃ Ì «>Vi >` V>Vi >`à / ÀÕ \ -ÕLÌ >` LÞ\ /ÕiÃ`>Þ À`>Þ £ « 7i`°À`>Þ >Þ LivÀi >Ì £ « ->ÌÕÀ`>Þ À`>Þ £ « - - 1-/ *,* iV 9ÕÀ ` 1« ÀÃÌ *ÕLV>Ì° ,i«ÀÌ >Þ iÀÀÀà i`>ÌiÞ] n\ää> Ì Ó\ää«° /i >Þ iÜÃ Ü Ì Li ÀiëÃLi vÀ ÌÞ«}À>«V> iÀÀÀð /i >Þ iÜà ÀiÃiÀÛià Ìi À}Ì Ì ÀiÛÃi À ÀiiVÌ E Ì «À«iÀÞ >ÃÃvÞ `ð 1`iÀ VÀVÕÃÌ>ViÃ Ü Ìi >Þ iÜà Li ÀiëÃLi vÀ Ài Ì> Ìi VÃÌ v Ìi >`ÛiÀÌÃiiÌ° " "- Li ià Li i *>Àà E -Ìià ,6 *>Àà , /- «Ìð À ,iÌ Õ`}à E "vvVià ÕÃià À ,iÌ ,Ã] ,>Ìià 7>Ì Ì ,iÌÉÕÃ} , -// Ìà E VÀi>}i "ÕÌ v ÌÜ ,i> ÃÌ>Ìi ,i> ÃÌ>Ìi 7>Ìi` ,i` Õvv ,i> ÃÌ>Ìi , , */- >Àà E ,>Vià >À µÕ«° -Õ««ià >À *>ÃÌÕÀi] ,iÌÉi>Ãi ii`] iÀÌâiÀ] ÀiÜ` ÀÃiÃ] ÛiÃÌV] *ÕÌÀÞ ÕÀÃiÀÞ -ÌV] -ii` *iÌà 7"" " -/,1 /" Õ`} -Õ««ià >À µÕ«iÌ] -Õ««ià /à E µÕ«iÌ i>ÛÞ µÕ«iÌ 7` À ->i , , - ̵Õià E iVÌLià ÕVÌà «ÕÌiÀà ÝiÀVÃi] i>Ì] iÌV Àii Ìià ÕÀÌÕÀi] ««>Vià ÌiÀiÌ -iÀÛVià ÃVi>iÕà À ->i ÃV° 7>Ìi` Ì ÕÞ -«ÀÌÃ] Õà 7>Ìi` Ì /À>`i 9>À` ->ià >ÃÃvi` 9"1, -- 7 **, " "1, 7 -/ ÜÜÜ°Ài`LÕvv`>ÞiÜðV Every 13 Weeks Automatic charge of $ 33 68 to your Debit or Credit Card! Convert back anytime! - No billings by mail - No checks to write - No postage to pay - No home delivery surcharges - Include carrier tip if desired To convert or start an EZ-Pay Home Delivery Subscription Just Call Unhassle your Daily News Carrier-Delivered Subscription! N EWS D AILY RED BLUFF TEHAMA COUNTY Circulation Home Delivery Customer Service 527-2151 Convert to EZ-Pay RedBluff Daily News Classified Ads 527-2151 E-Mail: GreatDealsforsellers and buyers. It's no mystery why more people use the classifieds ShopLaptops, Desktops, Stereos MP3 Players, Speakers & Other Electronics For a Fraction of the Retail Cost! With the Classified, you can still afford those little luxuries that keep life interesting & splurge a little, for a lot less in the Daily News Classified. CALL TODAY 527-2151 Class ads work. Call today to place your ad in the paper 527- 2151. MasterCard & Visa accepted for your convenience. Announcement of Part Time Positions POSITION: Part-Time 21st Century STAR's Program SUBJECTS: STAR Student Worker STAR Assistant STAR Coach I STAR Coach II STAR Academic Facilitator STAR Enrichment Facilitator SITE: Corning Union High School District, CUHSD APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Qualified applicants or apply online at A full job description may also be found on the EdJoin website. Application deadline is 10/31/2014. Los Molinos Unified School District is accepting applications for 1 Special Education Instructional Assistant to Assist a certified teacher in providing instruction to individual or small groups of students in a classroom, pull-out or other learning environment. By way of illustration, and not limitation, such students may be severely emotionally disturbed, limited or non-English speaking, physically impaired, severely handicapped, or enrolled in special education classes. 6 hours per day. $9.92 - $12.06 per hour DOE. For more information contact Debra Edwards at 530-384-7826 or Applyto:YCCD,2088N.BealeRd, Room 21, Marysville, CA 95901, TDD (530) 634-7760 or District App required. EEO Employer. YubaCommunity College District P ar t- Ti me A dj un ct Fa culty Re cr u it me nt BEALE AFB ALL DISCIPLINES CLEAR LAKE CAMPUS ALL DISCIPLINES COLUSA COUNTY OUTREACH FACILITY – (WILLIAMS) ALL DISCIPLINES YUBA COLLEGE SUTTER COUNTY CENTER OF YUBA COLLEGE ALL DISCIPLINES WOODLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ALL DISCIPLINES Geography Philosophy Political Sciences Psychology Biology (specifically Microbiology) ECON Mathematics/Statistics EQUALHOUSING OPPORTUNITY 529-0879 Section 8 Welcome 15 Cabernet Ct. Red Bluff 1/2OFF FIRST MONTH Cabernet Apartments & Duplexes Touchdown With Savings SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 REDBLUFFDAILYNEWS.COM | CLASSIFIEDS | 11 B

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