Pi Kappa Alpha - Purdue University

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue University

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Beta Phi Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 2853 West Lafayette, IN 47996-2853 Address Service Requested If you would prefer to receive the Candlelight e-newsletter, please e-mail jgoodman@penningtonco.com. Candlelight T he fall of 2014 is looking to be an exciting time for the Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha. Coming off a summer of changes, including our huge renovation that every brother in the house has been looking forward to since the day we accepted our bid. Every brother who came back into the Chapter House was in awe as he walked in the front door. We could not believe that the house we left only a few months ago has transformed into this modern fraternity house. We are now finishing up the final touches and putting everything back in its place. We have accepted 20 bids thus far in recruitment and are looking for a class of around 40, hopefully initiating 35 of those qualified men. Every single gentleman we have bidded has every quality of a Pike and we look forward to initiating him later this fall. We are reaching out to more freshmen than ever this semester by introducing a new scholarship for incoming students. We are also working on a few new tactics on getting freshmen into our house for recruitment this semester and next. We have started out football season and tailgates are underway! We are paired with the lovely ladies of Alpha Gamma Delta for football this season and we are very excited to be sharing this season with them. We are also gearing up for our biggest philanthropy of the year, Pikes Firefighters Challenge. This will be our fourth year and we hope to top our past goals for dollars raised. There will be much more to come on this event as we get closer. If you ever want to relive your memories at 629 University, please stop by and meet the brothers. We are always happy to see alumni come to the house and hear stories. It's a great day to be a Pike! In the Bonds, Greg Dyer '15 Chapter President purduepikepresident@gmail.com Inside Renovation photos and rededication weekend details! Undergraduates Thrilled with House Transformation Above: Interior of the new alumni room; new furniture has been ordered. Left: The kitchen received a much-needed upgrade, including a new walk-in refrigerator and other commerical kitchen equipment. Find Us Online www.pikapurdue.org @Purdue_Pikes Purdue Pikes Purdue Pikes t f i 8

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