
TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2013

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Mission Enabling young people to understand and act on the world's greatest challenges. Vision Youth everywhere are actively engaged and connected in shaping a more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world. A Youth Development Individuals increase their awareness about issues of public concern, and begin to show interest in staying informed on an issue or issues. D Societal Values Individuals who self-identify as informed and skilled begin to connect their efforts to affect policy, build movements and support existing projects and organizations. We believe change occurs when individuals have the opportunity, ability and motivation to engage meaningfully. Our own theory of change includes four phases in a cyclical path. Through collective action, young people possess the capacity to direct change. Awareness about key issues and the capacity to identify an issue as problematic are critical components that serve to distinguish those who lead by initiating projects from those who follow by participating or learning about them. Theory of Change For the past eight consecutive years, TakingITGlobal has been recognized as a "Most Democratic Workplace" by WorldBlu.

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