Delta Kappa Epsilon - Colgate University

Campaign Brochure

Mu Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Colgate University

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Y ou are the only one who can place a value on your DKE membership—on the lifelong friendships you made, on the development of your values and principles, and on the many ways Mu of DKE enhanced your life experiences. The brothers who came before made it possible for us to have this experience. Each of us, simply by our presence, has contributed to the history of Mu. How appropriate then that each of our names be entered into its halls. Donors of $25,000 and above will receive a commemorative plaque. Each alumnus who contributes $5,000 or more will be recognized on a prominently displayed plaque in the Temple and will be recognized in campaign publications. All gifts will be recognized on Because of the magnitude of our objectives and the consequences of failure, we are urging all brothers to consider major gifts to the campaign. To help donors make the largest gift possible, pledges may be spread over a five-year period. Gifts of securities are encouraged, as there are often significant tax advantages to the donor. For professional advice, please consult your tax advisor. Investing in mu Giving Levels Glowing Embers $500,000 and above Temple Guardians $250,000 to $499,999 1856 Founders Circle $100,000 to $249,999 LPM Club $50,000 to $99,999 The Magic Names $25,000 to $49,999 Jolly Good Fellows $10,000 to $24,999 Sons of DKE $5,000 to $9,999

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