Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Summer 2014 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Summer 2014 Beta Mu Recolonization Shifts into High Gear W ith the end of the spring semester, Beta Theta Pi can once again have an active presence on Purdue's campus, and our chapter development coordinator Tylere Presley, Central Michigan '12, is now on site. Tylere is coming to Beta Mu having just completed the recolonization of the Gamma Eta Chapter at Georgia Tech. One of the items on his agenda for this summer will be recruiting and training local advisors to work with the Chapter. Ideally, we'll have eight local advisors—one to work individually with each new Chapter officer. Tylere will also meet with Purdue faculty and staff as well as start the new member recruiting process, contacting strong candidates this summer. The pace quickens dramatically this fall as students return to campus. Through the efforts of the Fraternity and members of the house association board, Purdue agreed to move our recolonization starting date up from January 2015, allowing us to participate in this fall's recruiting activities with other fraternities. This is a huge advantage—it puts us on an equal footing to recruit the top men in this year's incoming class of freshmen. To help us convince these men that Beta is the way to go, the Fraternity will have several recolonization recruitment specialists on campus working with Tylere. The foundation of Beta Mu's future will be determined by the new members recruited during recolonization. To ensure we attract men who will uphold the principles of Beta Theta Pi, the core values of the Fraternity will be emphasized during recruitment. Quoting from Beta's recruiting literature and the Beta website: "To build lasting bonds of friendship and brotherhood, Beta calls for: • Mutual Assistance—Betas believe that men are mutually obligated to help others in the honorable labors and aspirations of life. • Intellectual Growth—Betas are devoted to continually cultivating their minds, including high standards of academic achievement. • Trust—Betas develop absolute faith and confidence in one another by being true to themselves and others. • Responsible Conduct—Betas choose to act responsibly, weighing consequences of their actions on themselves and those around them. • Integrity—Betas preserve their character by doing what is morally right and demanding the same from their brothers." Recruiting will continue through fall 2014. New member education will begin in January 2015, with initiation taking place during spring. We hope to have 40 initiated brothers and 2015 summer recruits moving into the house in August 2015. However, recruitment will be based strictly on quality, not quantity. We will build the chapter as we find good men. We are grateful for alumni support throughout this process and look forward to returning Beta Mu to the level of strength and leadership worthy of the Beta name. BQP What Can I Do to help? I f you know of a young man coming to Purdue who is serious about his future who you feel would make a strong Beta, please refer him. You may do this in several ways: (1) Go to this link set up by Tylere Presley for submitting referrals: cWxsn7bLxHn0rrQ/viewform. (2) Contact Tylere at (3) Contact any house board member. A full list of members is on page 2 of this newsletter. Another way to help is to volunteer as an advisor. If you could be available, please contact Tylere by e-mail. Finally, the most important thing we as alumni can do to help the Chapter is to be fully supportive of Beta Mu's recolonization efforts. Please be understanding of the rules that have been placed on Beta Mu as conditions of our recolonization. Our goal is for Beta Theta Pi to once again be the overall leader among fraternities at Purdue—at the top in grades, in campus leadership positions, in intramurals, and number one in respect afforded by all on campus.

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