Pi Kappa Phi - University of Alabama

Spring 2014 Newsletter

Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Alabama

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OMICRONICLE PAGE 2 O n February 8, in front of a crowd of over 400 actives, alumni, friends, and special guests, the Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi opened the doors to their beautiful new house. Sixteen months from the groundbreaking and over four years from when we began our original study petitioning the University for a site to build our new home, the greatest fraternity house on campus became a reality. After the active Brothers provided guided tours, the Chapter hosted a formal lunch in our beautiful new dining hall. Speeches were given by Warren DeBardelaben III '82, president of the Omicron Club; David Richardson '97, treasurer of the Omicron Club; Mark Timmes, executive director of Pi Kappa Phi; Dr. Judy Bonner, president of The University of Alabama; Dr. Robert Witt, chancellor of The University of Alabama System; and Brothers Steve Trimmier '63 and Emmett Dendy '46. The event was also attended by special guests Durwod Owen, past executive director of Pi Kappa Phi; and Mark Jacobs and Dudley Woody, former and current national presidents of Pi Kappa Phi. As the sun broke through the clouds and the ribbon was cut, everyone was reminded that this impressive building—one which will be our home PI KAPPA PHI'S Executive Director Mark Timmes, Dr. Tim Hebson, Chase Rumley, and Frank Wrenn gathered for the dedication of our new home. The conference room will host alumni and undergraduate meetings. A formal living room area adds to the elegance of our new home. Members were thrilled with the generous addition of a flat screen television to the restroom. B eyond the classroom and career preparation, college was a time of life experience and a transition to manhood for Bob Inman '62. Supported by the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, there was freedom to explore opportunities and embrace the college experience. "At Omicron I found a welcoming, tight-knit community that gave me a new home and a multitude of new friends and made the transition to college life fulfilling and enjoyable. Surrounded by good friends who truly cared for each other, I learned lessons of friendship, commitment, loyalty, perseverance, and leadership that have served me well throughout my life." Bob learned from the roles of rush chairman and pledge warden as an active member and after graduation went on to serve on the initial board of advisors for Push America, Pi Kappa Phi's national philanthropy, which serves individuals with disabilities. He holds a place in the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. Contributing to Omicron Success Donor Spotlight on Bob Inman '62

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