Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2014 RetuRn to Dominance Recolonization Plan Set in motion T he alumni board has been working during the suspension of Beta Mu Chapter on a comprehensive plan for recolonization. We are taking positive steps forward and will return to campus in typical Beta fashion. The theme is Return to Dominance. In September 2013, some members of the alumni board and the Beta Theta Pi General Fraternity met with representatives from the Purdue Dean of Students Office. We requested an accelerated timetable for returning to campus. Within 24 hours the dean of students approved the proposal and mentioned that "the model that you are proposing could serve as the blueprint for other organizations on campus as we continue to raise the standards for our student leaders." In addition, he commented that "we believe that Beta Theta Pi can return to Purdue University and be a leader among not only the Fraternity community but among all student organizations on campus." The plan involves hiring a chapter development coordinator (CDC) to manage the activities and recolonization efforts on campus. This individual will move to campus in June 2014 and put an advisory team together. This team will be allowed to recruit on campus just like the other fraternities and a pledge class will be assembled by the end of the fall 2014 semester. The CDC will lead pledge education starting in January 2015 and formal Beta leadership training will also occur. This pledge class will be initiated in the 2015 spring semester and move into the house in the fall of 2015 alongside the CDC. After one year of normal chapter operations, the CDC will depart and the undergraduates will return to traditional self-governance structure. Step one has already been completed. Tyler Presley, Central Michigan University '12, has accepted the role as the CDC for Beta Mu Chapter. He was a standout among several qualified candidates and embodies all of the characteristics that we hold in high regard at Beta Mu. He will represent the Fraternity well. The alumni support has been outstanding throughout this process. There was a large turnout at Homecoming last fall, which was held in the banquet facility at the Purdue golf course. The 25th and 50th anniversary classes were honored, as always. It was a great show of brotherhood during a most difficult time in the Chapter's history. This process is not without challenges and we will continue to look to alumni support as we return Beta to dominance at Purdue. The recruitment process will be critical, and we will request letters of recommendation for Men of Principle candidates to be considered as part of this initial recolonization class. Check future Beta Mu publications for information on how you can get involved. Yours in –kai–, Tom Hoover '82 House Corporation Member The alumni of Beta Theta Pi look forward to undergraduates moving back into the Chapter House by fall 2015. Beta Mu Chapter House Association Board President Cary B. Wood '89 (847) 762-5810 Vice President Grant Martin '67 Secretary Aaron Hanlon '09 Treasurer Kevin M. Comer '71 Members Tom Hoover '82 Jim Lucas '10 Corey Mikula '10 Tom Moran '59 John Tyrpin '94 n September 2013—Met with the Purdue University Dean of Students to establish accelerated plan to return to campus and received approval for return n June 2014—Hire chapter development coordinator (CDC) and put advisory board together n Fall 2014—CDC and alumni work to recruit new pledges n January 2015—Pledge Education and leadership training n Spring 2015—Initiate all pledges n Fall 2015—Undergradutes move into Chapter House with CDC Return to Dominance Timeline