CityView Magazine

February/March 2011

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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Like what you see? Want to see more? You can see — and purchase — pictures of yourself and your friends at Seenscene atthe Loft Tours Karen Barkman, Dr. David Barkman Logan Phillips, Anita Phillips, Alex Carlier December 10 Curiousities were satisfied when downtown loft residents opened their doors and answered questions about urban livin during the annual candlelight loft tour, sponsored by the Downtown Alliance. Tammy Taylor, Laurie Cruz, Jess Cruz Lacy Walters, Susan Gregory, Tonya Bryant, Deanna Madison Cindy Baker, Chris Villa, Antoinette Morris, Suzy Hrabovsky Mary Garren, Sharon Garren, Gene Mark Heather Kurtz, Janet Smith, Justin Smith, Kelsey Kurtz Emma Walker, Joe Soree | 69

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