Desert Messenger

December 18, 2013

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N�� �� ��� 10th YEAR! Always Wednesday, DEC. 18, 2013 FREE! VOL. 10 #186 • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Crowds brave cold for th 10 Annual Christmas Electric Light Parade By Joanne Winer The 10th annual Christmas Electric Light Parade was held on Saturday, December 7th, and in spite of the cold night air, hundreds of people came out to watch the parade pass by on Main Street, even though many of them elected to sit in their warm vehicles along the route. The entries all ended up at Town Hall for the awards ceremony and the hot chocolate, cookies and hot apple cider--it really hit the spot. The Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Town Hall staff for all their help with the parade route and the refreshments, especially Laura Bruno and Jan Collier. They would also like to thank the General Store for letting the judges stand set up again this year in front of the store, and to all the people who entered in the parade and helped make it such a success. The trophy winners are: Best Non-Profit was the Q.I.A. & The Grand Gathering, Best Business went to David Plunkett Realty, Best SEE PARADE PAGE 40 Quartzsite Trolley starts this week By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ - The Town of Quartzsite began operating the new Quartzsite Trolley Service on Monday, December 16, 2013. There will be a Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at 1pm at Town Hall At their December 10th meeting, Quartzsite Town Council approved the agreement with Parking Concepts to operate the Trolley through February 2, 2014 with an option to continue service to February 23, 2014. Parking Concepts, Inc., DBA Transportation Concepts, is the provider of transit services for the cities of Yuma and Blythe. The new service provides fixed route transportation connecting various special event areas with free parking lot areas throughout the Town. The daily route will start at Quartzsite Town Park (Senter Street off N. Plymouth) and travel in a counter-clockwise direction via Highway 95, Main Street, Quartzsite Blvd, Kuehn Street, BLM La Posa North LTVA and Riggles & Main Street, then back to the Town Park. The trolley will operate daily except Christmas Day and New SEE TROLLEY PAGE 40 ����� | S���� B���C�� WHAT'S INSIDE 5 Operation Hero Comfort 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 11 Around Town 12 Restaurants 21 Adventures w/Rocks 22 Voices from the Past 27 Salome High 30 Churches 32 In Memorium 35 Music Jams 37 Arrest Report 38 Rockin' in Quartzsite MAP 41 Astrology 42 Puzzles 44 Christmas Parade Photos 46 Classifieds 47 Paul Winer Comic

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