Phi Gamma Delta - University of Texas

Fall 2013 Newsletter

Texas Fiji of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Texas

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TEXAS H FIJI The Longhorn Fijiā€“The University of Texas at Austin Established 1883 Fall 2013 TEXAS FIJI STRONGER THAN EVER THANKS TO ALUMNI SUPPORT I am pleased to announce that Texas Fiji has completed another successful recruitment season and welcomed 53 pledges. Striving for geographic diversity, we recruited top men from a variety of cities and towns. Everyone involved should be extremely proud. We especially appreciate the alumni who contributed almost $50,000 to the recruitment fund. Recruitment is very expensive so every dollar makes a difference. This new pledge class complements our already outstanding Chapter. GROUNDBREAKING There is more excitement than usual this fall with the groundbreaking of the new addition to Buen Retiro. The alumni have enthusiastically supported the addition by pledging over $4.76 million. This dedication proves the generosity and strong connection of our alumni to the Chapter and their desire to continue our high standard of excellence. If you would like to contribute to the capital campaign, please use the enclosed form to make your pledge or gift. BCA UPDATES The Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA) continues to advise the Chapter in areas such as hazing, alcohol awareness, and budgeting. Each new cabinet requires continuing education on these matters. Changes on the board are as follows: Jeff Hickey PC '77, former chairman of recruitment (North Texas), has agreed to head up pledge education, and Tom Shirley PC '78 will replace Jeff as head of recruitment (North Texas). UPCOMING EVENTS Due to the positive feedback we have received about tailgates, we are encouraged to continue this fun tradition. As in the past, they will begin two hours before each home game (however, no tailgates before 11 a.m. games). The increase in attendance at these events is a testament to the strengthening connection between the Chapter and alumni. I encourage you to participate in the aforementioned events. Our Chapter is stronger than ever due in large part to your support. GTBO, Marshall Merritt '79 BCA President Perge! Construction is in full swing at Buen Retiro! Remembering Justin Gifford PC '89 O n July 28, 2013, Justin Gifford PC '89 was killed in a single-car rollover accident near Amarillo, Texas. During his time in the active Chapter, Justin served as historian and was selected to be a Silver Spur. Justin is survived by his wife, Holly, and their four children: Gus (10), Joe T. (8), Hattie Catherine (6), and Mary Elizabeth (14 months). In lieu of memorials, the family asks that friends and family make gifts to Justin and Holly's children's college accounts. Justin's death is a real tragedy and requires the attention of the entire family of Texas Fijis, young and old. Thank you for your support, The Fijis of Tau Deuteron Please make checks payable to Merrill Lynch with "Justin Gifford Children's Education Fund" in the memo line. Mail checks to 701 S. Taylor, Ste. 100, Amarillo, TX 79101 or contribute by calling (806) 378-9139.

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