Kappa Sigma - Missouri University of Science & Technology

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Sigma at Missouri University of Science & Technology

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2 Beta Chi Columns A s an only child, Thomas Sonderman '82 experienced quite a change when Kappa Sigma gave him a family of 100 Brothers. Tom previously planned to pursue his chemical engineering degree at Washington University in St. Louis before his close friend Martin Berutti '81 invited him to a summer pledge party at the Beta-Chi Chapter House. "I knew immediately it was the place to go." Tom believes the fraternal experiences at S&T are truly unique compared to other schools. When he visited campus last year and walked down Pine Street, the thrilling memories of St. Pat's with his Brothers came flooding back. Tom spent much of his college years between campus and Monsanto, where he worked as part of a generous scholarship. Coming home to Kappa Sigma gave him camaraderie while teaching him to work with different personalities and learn first- hand how an organization functions. "The Navy SEALS have a term called extreme ownership: when you sign up, you deliver," Tom said. "Or when you're young and in a Fraternity, you learn the consequences if you don't." The parties and projects Tom and his Brothers worked on together provided a truly foundational experience as they prepared to graduate and do great things in the world. F I L L I N G A N E E D At Monsanto, Tom discovered his interest in semiconductors and went on to work in manufacturing at AMD. He worked his way up through leadership, including when AMD's manufacturing operation transformed into GlobalFoundries. As that industry started moving overseas, Tom saw a need for American-based skills and resources; this brought him to SkyWater Technology, where he has served as CEO since 2017. SkyWater is a U.S.-based, investor-owned "pure play" semiconductor business, creating tech for diverse domestic tech fields including the biomedical industry. Competing with overseas sources was an uphill battle before the pandemic drove the need for domestic manufacturing. Tom and his colleagues were also major advocates for the CHIPS Act (signed into law in 2022), which helped reverse a decades-long decline in American chip manufacturing. When Tom gave S&T's commencement address in December, he shared one of his favorite pieces of advice: never be satisfied with where you are in life. "I say that even now as a CEO, having never imagined I'd be here." Tom is excited to see how SkyWater grows with the world around it as tech such as AI continues to evolve. "You can't ever rest on your laurels in this industry." BR O T H E R S F O R L I F E Tom's son, also an only child, is in a fraternity at the University of Minnesota; Tom is glad to see him, too, build his own lifelong relationships. He's also proud to have his close friend Paul Fleischut '82 as his son's godfather, as he keeps Tom updated on all things Beta-Chi and S&T. Always eager to help a fellow Brother, Tom is in regular contact with Jeff Heger '82 and helped mentor his son through his graduate degree. "When it comes to the brotherhood, I never have to think twice," he said. "Those college years were some of the best of my life." Tom lives in Apple Valley, Minnesota, and can be reached at thomas. sonderman@gmail.com. Nicole Robles John M. Sowle '51 Norman E. Hart '53 W. Dave Phelps '57 Rosario J. Sidoti '57 William S. Kirchoff '60 M. Thomas Barber '61 Richard L Schmidt '61 William A. Turner '61 Robert B. Bridges '62 Ronald F. Crawford '66 Donald W. Bourne '67 John G. Cizek '67 Gary Forsee '69 Rick M. Rule '69 Anthony G. Bommarito '70 Mark A. Kassing '70 Gary L. Abernathy '71 Mike J. Meyer '71 Frank P. Allen III '73 Michael W. Fugate '73 Paul R. Vetter '73 T. Mark Drumm '74 David L. Perry '74 Gary E. Roebke '74 Kent S. Springer '74 William P. Alt '75 Thomas R. Gredell '76 Thomas A. Smith '77 Greg A. Weeks '77 Robert J. Hoffmann '78 J. Barry Shelden '78 Timothy L. Uebele '79 D. Phillip Corbin '80 James K. Von Behren '80 Edward J. Bradley Jr. '81 John M. Remmers '81 Richard T. Bradley '84 Steven R. Sieckhaus '84 W. Alan Hopkins '86 Fred W. Niemeier '92 Lloyd H. Gholson IV '94 Brian A. Lowry '96 Grant J. Mabie '02 Benjamin D. Prueter '10 Edward Landreth '12 Austin Lohr '13 Thank You, Generous Donors $20, 360 DONATED SINCE FALL 2023 N O W H E R E L I K E R O L L A T H O M A S S O N D E R M A N ' 8 2 O N L E A R N I N G T O L E A D Chapter Celesal Lloyd G. Gabbert '56 October 28, 2023 Terry L. Mills '58 September 23, 2023 Gene Foshage '63 June 9, 2022 George F. Koob '63 September 23, 2023 June C. Thomason Jr. '64 May 22, 2021 Benjamin D. Yenicek '97 December 28, 2023

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