Sigma Phi Epsilon - Oklahoma State University

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Oklahoma Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Oklahoma State University

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ALPHA ARTERY Oklahoma Alpha | Oklahoma State University | Fall 2023 A Tailgate to Remember W e hosted a tailgate for the final Bedlam game on November 4. Approximately 75 alumni, family members, and guests enjoyed a great meal prepared by our own Charlie Phillips '84, Steve Diehl '84, and Darrell Pulliam '84; the three men smoked brisket the day prior. As you can see from the accompanying pictures, the event was filled with smiles, a few adult beverages, and (I'm sure) many tall tales! It was a great time to get together, especially after the Cowboys came out victorious. We hope to see everyone back next year, as we plan to host one or two tailgates next fall. Fraternally, D. Todd Donavan '86 AVC President | (970) 430-9700 AVC Board Members Chapter President Jake Broom '26 House Manager Preston Frederiksen '25 Vice President of Programming Justin Pittman '26 Vice President of SigEp Learning Community Matthew Hartig '26 Vice President of Finance Matt McAhren '26 Vice President of Member Development Eli Dunn '26 Vice President of Recruitment Blake Brenek '26 (972) 655-6286 Vice President of Communications Jackson Hays '27 Chaplain Ty Scott '26 President Todd Donavan '86 Treasurer Chas Schoolcraft '14 Chapter Counselor Erik Williams '18 Balanced Man Steward Cameron Moore '14 Mentor for President Blake Giles '19 Mentor for Programming Brooks Robison '18 Mentor for Finance Aaron Cromer '16 Mentor for Recruitment Chas Schoolcraft '14 Mentor for Recruitment Cardin Hart '19 Mentor for Communications Grant Bennett '15 General Members Darrell Pulliam '84 Matt Cargill '07 Levi Close '17 Jake Pulliam '19 Faculty Fellow Beverly Morris Resident Scholar Zach Youngblood '20 CHAPTER OFFICERS From left: Simon Parsons '21, Vishnu Patel '19, Issac Bullen '21, and Jackson Hibbard '22. From left: Charlie Phillips '84, Greg Delozier '85, and Steve Diehl '84. From left: Todd Donavan '86, Charlie Phillips '84, Steve Diehl '84, and Darrell Pulliam '84. Jacob Pulliam '19 and Linda, wife of Steve Diehl '84.

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