Desert Messenger

November 15, 2023

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Food Handler Classes 3 Marilyn McFate honored at Capitol 5 Desert Clean up Planned 6 Editorial 6 Desert Messenger 20th Anniversary 7 OHV Decals required 8 Food Bank Updates 8 BLM Camping Areas 9 Election Results 9 QES Students of the Month 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Blood Drive 10 Town Texting 11 The Salvation Army Update 12 QIA, Rock Club, Stand Down 15 GFWC 19 I-10 Construction updates 21 Around Town 22 Music 22 Medicare Enrollment info 23 Skin Cancer Care 24 Recorder Info 24 Spin Poi Classes 24 AA Meetings 25 Calendar 26 Puzzle Page 27 Classifi eds 27 Paul Winer's Cartoon 28 Town Rate increases 29 Broadband Comes to Rural Arizona 30 Ehrenberg Student honored at Capitol 31 Photos 32-48 ONLINE SPECIAL SECTION "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 928-916-4235 November 15, 2023 VOL. 20 # 364 Alwa y s FREE! SEE FALL FESTIVAL PAGE 15 N�� �� ��� 20 t h YEAR! No November 15 vember 15 vember 15 Quartzsite Fall Festival this weekend! The Town of Quartzsite hosts the 3rd Annual Fall Festi- val Saturday, November 18th, 2023. Bring the family and friends! Enjoy great LIVE music with professional sound system, food court, beer garden, kid's activities, vendors, and more! The Fall Festival opens at 10am at Quartzsite Baseball Field in Town Park. Free entrance and Free Parking! Bring your lawn chairs, and please leave pets at home. Headlining this year's event is FORTUNATE SON, the world's longest running tribute show celebrating the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR). Brad Ford & Fortu- nate Son will be on stage LIVE at 3:15pm. Quartzsite, AZ - Some of our local QES (Quartzsite Elementary School District #4) students were hon- ored during Quartzsite Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Their artwork was on display at Town Hall for Red Ribbon Week. Mrs. Carter spoke about the goal of educating students to live a drug-free and healthy lifestyle. Students also presented Council Members with red ribbons in a show of solidarity in choosing a drug-free life. Red Ribbon Week celebrated at Town Hall ����� | C������� C������ C�����, QES

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