Phi Kappa Theta - Iowa State University

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Iowa Xi Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta at Iowa State University

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XICLONE PAGE 2 T he men of Iowa Xi had an extremely successful 2022-23 school year, and we have a lot to look forward to! We celebrated the graduation of 10 senior brothers in spring 2023, and we're wishing them the best of luck in their future endeavors. We also eagerly welcomed a new associate member class this fall. Growing Steady Our recruitment team is led by Ian Walworth '25 and Anthony Campana '26. These two men, with the help of the rest of the chapter, worked hard over the summer to find quality potential new members for Iowa Xi Chapter. Ian and Anthony took the lead in planning three major recruitment events: a Chicago trip, a Minnesota trip, and Iowa Xi's annual summer chapter meeting. Our recruitment team's increased focus directly impacted our success in gaining a quality Associate Member class this fall of 24 new men!" Excelling Academically Iowa Xi dedicated time and effort to academic excellence. In the spring, Iowa Xi posted a 3.21 active member GPA and a 3.15 cumulative GPA. We are extremely proud of the effort and focus our members put forth in the classroom, and we have our sights set on excelling still more this fall. Joining Efforts The men of Phi Kappa Theta performed well during Greek Week. Our pairing with Chi Omega and Alpha Sigma Kappa brought home two awards: second overall for team banner and third overall for lip-sync. We want to give a special shoutout to Jacob Scearce '26 for taking a lead on the banner and to Lip Sync Co-Chairmen Ian Walworth '25 and Anthony Geraci '25 for their hard work this past semester. We are confident these successes will carry over into Homecoming this fall, where we are paired with Alpha Gamma Delta and Delta Sigma Phi. Our goal is to keep our positive attitude throughout the 2023-24 school year. With hardworking members and a brotherhood stronger than it has ever been, we are confident it will be another successful year. Fraternally, Sam McTeague '25 Chapter President I o w a X i S t r i v e s f o r E x c e l l e n c e R e f l e c t i n g o n O u r S u c c e s s f u l S p r i n g a n d S u m m e r

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