Desert Messenger

July 19, 2023

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Shop Local Scavenger Hunt 3 Cool off at Senior Center 3- Internet Access 3 Speed Limit Change 4 Quartzsite Tidbits 4 COVID-19 Job loss 5 America 250 5 Hearings 6 Editorial 7 Letter to the Editor 7 Food Bank Updates 8 The Salvation Army Update 8 Annual Water Report 9 QES Superintentent 9 SHOW DATES 2023-24 10 Gardening with Dennis 10 Town Texting 11 Cristobal Retires! 12 ADOT new license plates 15 Prop 401 16 Youth Doay 17 EV Charging Stations 18 In Memoriam 19 Kids Bodies 20 Puzzle Page 21 Birth Control Access 22 Classifi eds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon 23 PHOTOS "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" 928-916-4235 July 19, 2023 VOL. 19 # 360 Alwa y s FREE! N�� �� ��� 1 9 t h YEAR! J ADOT announces I-10 improvement project Phoenix, AZ- The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is initiating a pave- ment rehabilitation project on Interstate 10, from Dome Rock Road to Scaddan Wash, through the Town of Quartzsite. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in August 2023. Construction cones and message boards are expected to be placed mid-August. The ADOT and the Federal Highway Adminis- tration (FHWA) are repairing the pavement on Interstate 10 between Dome Rock Road (mile- post 11.70) and Scaddan Wash (milepost 24), passing through the town of Quartzsite. The work consists of removing the existing pave- ment surface and replacing it with new asphalt concrete. Project will include: Milling the existing pave- ment and replacing it with new pavement; Re- placing guardrail and guardrail end terminals; Replacing barbed wire fencing; Constructing bridge barrier transitions; Installing pipe lin- ers; Replacing pavement markings, signage and lighting. The year-long project is scheduled to begin late summer 2023 with completion anticipated in sum- mer 2024. Schedules are subject to change because of weather and other unforeseen situations. To minimize traffi c impacts, night work is scheduled to occur from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. on weekdays. On occasion some daytime work will be required. Drivers are asked to use caution, obey posted speed limits and traffi c control devices and use caution around construction personnel and equipment. Arizona expects to receive through the IIJA (fed- eral Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), an increase of more than $200 million a year over the fi scal years 2022 and 2026. That $200 million per year is part of an overall $5.3 billion (over fi ve years) in what is known as "formula funding" allocated to the state based on an objective formula. ADOT will retain some of that money for projects, while signif- icant IIJA funding will be sent to local government agencies for their transportation projects, such as local street improvements, public transportation and airports. Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. Subscribe to receive project updates and traffi c alerts by email. ADOT will provide advance notice of restrictions and clo- sures to email subscribers and on the project traffi c alert web page. For more information, please call the ADOT Bilingual Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or submit a question or comment by email. For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at www., follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except while driving.

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