Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Kansas State University
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The S p h i n x SPRING 2023 Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi W e are pleased to report the house renovation is moving along smoothly. We finished the expansion efforts, and renovations on the remaining house began in May. We certainly enjoyed opening the new basketball court this spring! Progress Rolls Along Progress Rolls Along Thanks to 143 donors, we have raised nearly $2 million toward the 500 Sunset: Building on the Legacy campaign. While generous donations have helped us to this point, we must continue our fundraising efforts to ensure our renovation progresses without issue. If you've already contributed to the campaign but can do a bit more, please consider adding a year to your pledge or making a new, one-time gift. You can also help by reaching out to a few brothers not on our donor list and asking them to donate. If you haven't yet contributed, please join your brothers who are doing their part. Every gift helps—no matter the size. Staying on Track Staying on Track Gamma Epsilon is in good hands as the new chapter officers focus on fraternity fundamentals and working with the 22 pledges. By this point, we will likely have more than 30 pledges —potentially Gamma Epsilon's largest pledge class of all time! Monthly meetings between the advisory team and chapter officers are allowing Gamma Epsilon to set standards of anti-hazing, campus involvement, and brotherhood programming for the new school year. These meetings also provide an opportunity to explore what makes the chapter so special as well as open discussion for leasing in the 2024-25 school year so upperclassmen can live in the facility as soon as we get back on campus. With those upperclassmen in mind, we have been rethinking our programming to stay properly engaged with our members. For instance, Patrick Lee '92 and Grant Hill '14 recently hosted an event for graduating seniors at a speakeasy in Manhattan where they thanked the brothers for their contributions (and taught them some basic cocktail recipes). Looking Ahead Looking Ahead Kansas State University is seeking a new director of Greek life. With the reestablishment of this office, we anticipate more support for Greek organizations on campus in the future. As alumni, one of the best ways to stay engaged is by joining us for Alumni Weekend on October 20-22. This weekend coincides with the football game against TCU, so start making plans with fellow alumni today! With five brothers attending Beta's Wooden Institute this summer for leadership development training, our future leaders are already finding ways to get engaged and become young professionals. I trust our executive team to make good decisions about our goals, and I hope you stay tuned for more updates on the future of Gamma Epsilon. Yours in ___kai___, Nathan Balkenbusch '14 Chapter Counselor Giving Today Is Easier than Ever Make a Donation Online D id you know you can contribute online by visiting or scanning the QR code? Donations support our 500 Sunset: Building on the Legacy campaign to help provide a safe, modern, and competitive facility for future generations of Gamma Epsilon brothers. Promising Times for Gamma Epsilon Chapter House Progress and New Active Leadership We're making great progress on our chapter house renovations. More photos Inside!