Delta Upsilon - Syracuse University

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Syracuse Chapter of Delta Upsilon at Syracuse University

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Delta Upsilon 2 W elcome to the spring 2023 edition of The Bazoo. This semester, and this year as a whole, has seen brothers focusing on taking our great chapter to the next level. We lost more than 40 seniors last spring to graduation, and we had to recover from that quickly while adding to the groundwork they had set. In the fall, we did a tremendous job creating a new generation of DUs here at Syracuse; but as we know, spring is where the real growth happens. RECRUITMENT EFFORTS Our first focus this semester was recruitment. We feel DU has the greatest strategy of recruitment on Syracuse's campus—we are the best at recruiting great men. Recruitment Chairman Luke Profaci '25 did an exemplary job recruiting 17 fantastic men to the new Xi class. These men have already taken initiative on what it means to be a brother at Delta Upsilon by showing interest in various leadership positions in the house, meshing perfectly with the current brotherhood, and recording the highest ever lease signing (95% plan to live in 2023/24!). I am sure you will be hearing more great things from these men soon. SERVING SYRACUSE CHAPTER I would like to personally give my deepest thank-you to our spring 2023 associate member educator, Marco Tinetto '23. As a graduating senior, he showed his dedication to the brotherhood by serving as our AME for the second time in his tenure at DU. He quite literally personifies what we hope every new member strives to be, and I cannot thank him enough for the work that he has done and continues to do for our chapter. Upon graduation, Marco will serve as our chapter's AME alumni advisor. Our brotherhood was strengthened through various events by Brotherhood Chairmen Philip DiGregorio '23 and Corey Bruno '23. As is the case with Marco, I cannot commend these men enough for holding a leadership position in this house as graduating seniors and doing a fantastic job; it goes to show how much this house has grown top-to- bottom with our senior class staying so active. The brothers enjoyed flag football, DU Madness bracket, casino night (hosted at 801!) and, as is tradition, our annual Cry Night. We also held our first destination formal since the '80s with a trip to Toronto, Ontario! Thank you to Special Events Chairman Chase Connolly '23 for making that dream a reality for our brotherhood. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT I have had the great privilege of serving on our executive board for basically my entire time as a brother. I have seen our young brothers grow into important leaders in our community and our chapter; they deserve the utmost credit. Our DU international headquarters representative, Katherine Pezzella, recently visited, giving glowing reviews of our leadership and our chapter as a whole. She said we've proven we can build upon our 2022 DU Sweepstakes Award to make it a yearly award thanks to our structurally sound executive board. I think it all starts with Executive Vice President Jacob Leisawitz '24, who is my right-hand man on everything we have to accomplish as leaders, and I could not ask for a better person and friend to do the job with me. WINNING BY NOT LOSING Syracuse Chapter has not seen many losses to prevent this semester, and that is due greatly to the job our vice president of loss prevention, Cage Lasley '25, has done. He has taken the initiative to make that position a proactive one rather than reactive. We owe thanks to our vice president of internal relations, Robert Munch '25, and vice president of external relations, Nathan Starkey '25, for spearheading a successful semester of chairman positions and helping contribute to a fantastic philanthropy we hope to become our annual staple: Delta Hoopsilon. We partnered with We Rise Above the Streets and hosted a campus-wide three-point competition featuring a three-on- three final tournament bracket. This event raised over $1,000 for this organization. HOW COULD I FORGET!? Speaking of money, I cannot thank Vice President of Finance Riley Wall '24 enough for the great job he does for our brotherhood. He keeps the chapter running smoothly and works tirelessly to make sure we can accomplish everything we aim to do. Vice President of Housing Dylan Greenhouse '24 worked in partnership with DUSU Housing Corp President, Mark Linnan '85, to upgrade the house with new kitchen appliances, new chairs throughout the premises of 801, and a brand-new, state-of-the-art bathroom in our basement! Dylan continues to provide his time and effort for the brotherhood, and I cannot thank him enough. Secretary Cole Weintraub '25 was quite possibly the greatest secretary this house has ever seen; he continued to keep our executive meetings and chapters running smoothly while doing everything we asked of him and more. SIGNING OFF I hold this house near to my heart for what it has done for me, and I look forward to continuing to lead us to new heights inside and out while maintaining our traditions that brothers before us established. I cannot wait to see what our future holds. To contact me, you can call anytime with questions or to chat at (516) 497-9395, or email me at Dikaia, Ethan Gunther '24 President PRESIDENT'S PEN POINTS Brothers Elevate the Syracuse Chapter Experience Syracuse Chapter Xi class on Initiation Day.

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