WEO Graduation


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7 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2023 | GRADUATING SENIORS Congratulations Seniors! Ty Latta Kendall Lira Kaitlyn Lykins Lucas McDougal Natalie McGee Preston McLaughlin Breanna McMahan Mason Meeker Adrian Mejia John Middleton Dannia Morales Lidia Morales-Escobar Ella Moyers Fisher Muller Benjamin Munoz Shadrach Nelson Matthew Oxford Tial Par Kierstyn Parris Mizael Pedroza Kelsey Pembleton Charlize Qualls Siena Ralph Shelby Robertson Julissa Sanchez Trey Selby Delilah Shirley Franklin Shirley Jeremiah Shoemaker Catherine Soule Shelby Spiva Sebastian Stiglbauer Ethan Strecker Kell Sweat Maddox Thao Christian Thrailkill Justin Trucks Katelynn Waits Dillon Watson 479-787-5258 www.arvest.com Paid for by Hope Duke for State Representative Congratulations to the Class of 2023 You are to be commended for your efforts through the years. Now go pursue your dreams. HENDREN DUKE State Representative Dr. Alan L. Lamb, D.D.S. Dr. Scott Stubbs, D.D.S. Dr. Nick Dollar, D.D.S 1102 SW JACKSON • GRAVETTE 479-787-5256 Gravette Dental associates Proud to serve our community Congratulations Gravette Class of 2023

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