Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 14 UCW MAY 10 - 16, 2023 EVENTS FSO finishes season with a Fayetteville Celebration by ASHLEY SHIRLEY As another successful season comes to an end, the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra welcomes the community to their final concert of the 2022-23 season — a Fayetteville Celebration. e family-friendly concert will be held at Huff Concert Hall on Method- ist University's campus on Saturday, May 13. Featuring Fayetteville's be- loved symphony orchestra and several gifted collaborators, the Fayetteville Celebration will be a night of amazing talent and beautiful music. "We're closing this season with my personal favorite," said Meghan Woolbright, Marketing and Office Manager for the FSO. "Our mission is to educate, entertain and inspire our community. No matter where you come from or who you are — we want you to come and enjoy symphonic music." Including their seven concerts this past season, the FSO has made good on their "music for everyone" initia- tive with their popular Symphony Movie Nights and free community concerts throughout the year. Educa- tional programs such as their upcom- ing summer camps and youth orches- tras keep the sym- phony connected to the community while building the next generation of musicians in Fayetteville. e community- oriented nature of the organization makes this last concert especially profound, as it's a collaborative effort between the FSO and others who strongly uphold the arts in Fayetteville. e Cape Fear Regional eatre, along with trumpeter Kris Vargas, Ukrainian opera singer Alina Cherka- sova, and the Con Fiero Vocal Experi- ence, are all scheduled to perform. Selected pieces for the Fayetteville Celebration include "Four Seasons of Buenos Aires" by Astor Piazzolla featuring Concertmaster Fabián Lopez on violin, Jose Moncayo's "Huapango," and "An Orkney Wedding" by Peter Maxwell Davies, to name a few. "ere will be so many different types of music," Woolbright shared. "ere will be some gospel from Con Fiero and a little bit of jazz from Kris Vargas. is is such a diverse group of collaborators — we're really excited." e Fayetteville Celebration begins at 7:30 p.m. and will run about 90 min- utes long. For those looking to make a night of it with dinner and drinks downtown, a trolley service departing from 310 Green St. at 6:30 p.m. will drop off concertgoers at Huff Concert Hall free of charge, no reservation necessary. Tickets are available on the sym- phony's website or at the door on the night of the concert. Children under six years of age may attend for free. Tickets for those 6-18 are $5. Dis- counted tickets for seniors, veterans, Cumberland County School employ- ees, and Methodist University faculty are $25. Tickets for college students are $8, and adult general admission tickets cost $32. e FSO is already planning the 2023-24 season, and full-season tick- ets will be available for purchase at the Fayetteville Celebration concert. "We've got a really exciting season lined up for next year," Woolbright said. To purchase tickets or learn more about the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra, visit www.fayettevillesym- phony.org/. ASHLEY SHIRLEY, Staff Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200 No. 1, Most Diverse University in North Carolina * methodist.edu • 910.630.7000 5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311 *Niche National Rankings and Reviews MU offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. 80 + AREAS STUDY ONLINE & AT FORT BRAGG Perfect for working adults, active military, veterans, & their families. OF 20 NCAA INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS MU students have won nearly 80 team and individual national championships. 100+ CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS MU has students from across the U.S. and more than 50 countries. 97% RECEIVE FINANCIAL AID MU offers more than $25 million in scholarships every year. 1 OF 10 Must-Watch Universities in North America (Higher Ed Digest) Ad_Up & Coming Weekly_April 10 & 25.indd 2 Ad_Up & Coming Weekly_April 10 & 25.indd 2 4/11/23 4:33 PM 4/11/23 4:33 PM Alina Cherkasova Con Fiero Fabián Lopez Kris Vargas