Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM MAY 3 - 9, 2023 UCW 5 ere is one word that can sum up the first 100 days of the 118th Congress — Results. Under Speaker Kevin McCarthy, House Republi- cans have passed more bills and had a more produc- tive start than last Congress. And last Congress we had one-party in charge of the House, Senate and the White House. Every day, House Republicans are delivering results and fighting for you. From defunding President Joe Biden's army of 87,000 IRS agents, ending the COVID-19 national emergency, eliminating unnecessary vaccine mandates, passing legislation to stop out of control bureaucrats, reversing President Biden's anti-energy policies that are driving inflation, stopping danger- ous soft-on-crime proposals, and just last week voting to protect women's sports — House Republi- cans have followed through on the commitments we made to the American people. We are also holding the Biden administration accountable through more than 235 hearings and issuing more than 500 oversight letters and 34 subpoenas. Recently, House Republicans outlined our plan to also address our nation's debt. Two years of out-of- control government spending by President Biden and Washington Democrats have increased our national debt to the point that it is larger than the entire U.S. economy — and you have been forced to pay the price. Inflation continues to be a burden as you head to the grocery store and gas pump, with groceries up 20% from two years ago and the average gas prices in North Carolina up 30 cents from this time last month. Our plan will limit Washington's irrespon- sible spending, save your tax dollars, and grow our economy — all while protecting Social Security and Medicare. As your Congressman, I'm focused on legislation that will improve the quality of life for you and your family. I am proud to lead on multiple pieces of leg- islation, including the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act, Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, and the HALT Fentanyl Act, which recently passed our committee and will move to a vote on the House floor. I have also reintroduced the Next Generation 9-1- 1 Act to help state and local governments modernize our nation's aging 911 systems. We are blessed that our community has outstanding leadership that recognizes the importance of putting the right tools in the hands of our first responders and law enforcement. In April, I was able to visit the Moore County Department of Public Safety and meet with our incredible emergency telecommunicators to see firsthand how they serve when you and those you love need them most. It is a privilege to be the voice in Congress supporting our region's dedicated telecommunicators, medical professionals, and law enforcement who keep us safe. House Republicans have delivered our "Commit- ment to America" to build an economy that's strong, a nation that's safe, a future built upon freedom, and a government that's accountable to the American people — and we are just getting started. It is my hope that in the next 100 days, President Biden will work with Republicans on the issues you face every day. We will remain focused on solutions that grow our economy, keep us safe, fix the crisis at the border, and help you and every American family succeed. Republican party showing results in Congress by REP. RICHARD HUDSON OPINION REP. RICHARD HUDSON, R-N.C. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. On April 17, the 118th U.S. Congress hit 100 days under a Repub- lican party majority.(Image courtesy U.S. House Republicans Conference) TWO BROTHERS CATERING AT GATES FOUR GOLF AND COUNTY CLUB WEDDINGS | CORPORATE | MILITARY | SOCIAL | AND MORE! Call Two Brothers Catering to book your next event! 910.261.6584 | twobrotherscateringnc1@gmail.com www.thevinenc.com | www.twobrotherscateringnc.com Equal Credit Opportunity Lender. JOIN AND SEE WHY! Making Banking Simple! • Apply Online • Get Direct Deposit Early • 30,000 Surcharge Free ATMs *Fees, terms, and conditions apply. See credit union for complete details. In compliance with the U.S.A. Patriot Act, we are required to obtain and verify identification provided for all new account owners and joint owners, using methods permitted by law.