Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1498292
WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM MAY 3 - 9, 2023 UCW 3 MAY 17 A GARDEN GATHERING CAPE FEAR BOTANICAL GARDEN This limited ticket event raises aware- ness and support for the Garden's mission. The evening starts with a cocktail hour in the Garden surround- ed by the beauty of spring. Followed by an al fresco farm-to-table dinner prepared by Elliot's on Linden with locally sourced ingredients. Also including entertainment and the occasion to mingle, this is an event you certainly won't want to miss! Raffles, Auction, Entertainment and more. Ticket pages can be found here: https://bit.ly/40LGA4a. For info visit https://www.capefearbg.org/or call 910-486-0221. STOMPING THE STIGMA 414 RAY AVE A business pop up event and resource all in one event. Blissful Alchemist and Heal Holistic are holding this aware- ness event on mental health and substance abuse challenges. The dynamic Camy Kennedy will speak on Restoring Resilience and Hillary Belk, a recovery advocate will share her collegiate recovery story. There will also be Innovative breakout sessions with sound meditation and movement. This is a community event, so kids are welcome. This is a free event. For info call 910-303-0192. MAY 21 Submit your events and activities to editor@upandcomingweekly.com WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLy.COM MAY 18 COMEDY & COCKTAILS PADDY'S IRISH PUB Sit back and be prepared to LAUGH out LOUD with The Church Entertain- ment Lounge's showcase of nationally touring comedians Rich Carucci and Rich Shultis. Carucci is a second-generation comedian and ex-childhood actor who has been performing stand-up comedy across the country for over 23 years. Shultis is a national touring comedian. He's also a regular on the NYC Comedy Circuit. His southern charm, mid-west sensibility, California cool make Shultis the perfect comedian for all audiences. CAROLINA CREEPY CRAWLIES CLARK PARK North Carolina is home to a great variety of insects. From beautiful moths to giant stag beetles, thousands of spe- cies are found in the Fayetteville area. Learn basic insect anatomy and about the different kinds found here, including other closely related creepy crawlies like spiders. Find out which ones can be harmful and which are beneficial. This event is free for all ages and takes place between 4 and 5:30 p.m. Call 910-433-1579 to register for a spot. MAY 25 MAY 20 THE WORLD BELOVED HAYMOUNT UNITED METHODIST Cumberland Choral Arts will combine the classical-based Catholic Mass with the down-home sparkle of bluegrass to create a work that is unique in scope, and a beautiful union of seemingly disparate musical traditions. The event will also feature choral works representing folk music. This con- cert takes place in the New Life Center of Haymount United Methodist Church. Tickets range from $5 to $15 and can be bought at https://www. eventbrite.com/e/the-world-beloved-a-bluegrass-mass-by-carol-barnett- marisha-chamberlain-tickets-387596520627?aff=ebdssbdestsearch. MAY 20 GOSSIP OVER ART ARTS COUNCIL OF FAYETTEVILLE The event will feature a discus- sion forum with City Councilwoman Shakeyla Ingram, conversations on negative stigma and views on ap- pearance perception. There will also be a theatrical performance by Cerina E. Johnson and friends, poetry by Shenika "Verse" Whitfield, games, fun activities, music, dancing and light refreshments, and a door prize giveaway from the Sip Room. Tickets, which are $30, can be bought at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gossip-over-art-tickets- 612700181737?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm- medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb. PUBLIC WORKS OPENING ARTS COUNCIL OF FAYETTEVILLE Join the Arts Council for the grand opening reception of Public Works Exhibition. An art show created by our community for our community. On 4th Friday, come to the Arts Center to view art created by local artists of all ages! This opening is free to attend, so bring a few friends with you. Sup- port local art by buying fine art pieces created by real live artists from our area. Meet and mingle with these artists as well as you wander our gallery and immerse yourself in the art. For information on displaying your art in this exhibit, visit www.WeAreTheArts.com/pwc. MAY 26 MAY 31 SAND CASTLE BATTLE LAKE RIM PARK Can't make it to the beach this sum- mer? Try some made-in-Fayetteville sandcastles! Shovels, pails, castle molds, water, and plenty of sand will be provided as we turn the volleyball court into a beach. Can you build the strongest one? We'll have fun putting them to the test. This event takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and is free for all ages. To reserve a spot, call 910-433-1018.