Up & Coming Weekly

May 02, 2023

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM MAY 3 - 9, 2023 UCW 17 e Fort Bragg Fair is an annual event that takes place every spring and has become a staple for the communi- ty. is fair is open to everyone in the area and not just those on Fort Bragg. You don't even need an installation pass to attend. "e great thing about this event is that it's not just open for our Fort Bragg community, but we open it up to the surrounding community. So it's a great opportunity for our neighbors to come and enjoy it with us," Jen Fayson, special events coordinator of Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, said. "ey've been coming to Fort Bragg for 30 plus years and they are extreme- ly excited to be back again this year and be able to offer this to Fort Bragg and to Fayetteville, Spring Lake and our surrounding areas." e fair will run from May 3 to 14 at the Fort Bragg Fairgrounds on Bragg Boulevard. Gates open at 5 p.m. Mon- day through Friday and at 1 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Admission to the fair costs $16 for the general public and $14 for military and DoD civilians, Monday through Friday. e fair costs $21 for the gener- al public and $19 for military and DoD civilians on Saturdays and Sundays. Children under 36 inches tall are free. ere are special discounts avail- able. On Monday through Friday, $11 Customer Appreciation tickets are available from 5 to 7 p.m. Mothers will also be able to attend the fair for free on Mother's Day, May 14, if they are accompanied by a child 17 years old or younger. Admission includes unlimited rides and live entertainment throughout the event, although concessions and games are an additional fee. ere will be about 28 rides in total and an entire area for younger kids. "ey're bringing back some of the favorite rides," Fayson told Up & Com- ing Weekly. "ey've got the bumper cars, the Ferris Wheel, of course, and all types of fair food is going to be available for purchase once they get in." Parking is free and open to the pub- lic. Parking is available off Bragg Bou- levard. ADA parking is accessible from Bragg Boulevard via Howell Street. ere are prohibited items at the fair. is list includes dogs, outside food or beverages, alcoholic beverag- es, handheld weapons, tents, and glass bottles/containers. e only excep- tions to this list are service dogs. "It's a great family atmosphere at the fair. We do security checks before anybody comes in. I say it's one of the safer fairs that they can go to, and it's just a sense of community. So it's a great it's just a great attitude and a great atmosphere out here at the fair every year," Fayson said. For more information about the Fort Bragg Fair, go to https://bragg. armymwr.com/calendar/event/2023- fort-bragg-fair/5926373/23406. Family fun awaits at the Fort Bragg Fair by HANNAH LEE EVENTS e Fort Bragg Fair is open to all and will be held at the Fairgrounds on Bragg Boulevard. (Photo courtesy Fort Bragg MWR) NC Military Historical Society hosts symposium in Fayetteville by HANNAH LEE e North Carolina Military His- torical Society's annual symposium will be in Fayetteville this year. e North Carolina Military His- torical Society was incorporated in 1966 and is interested in preserving and sharing the unique military his- tory of North Carolina in a variety of ways. Andrew Duppstadt, Treasurer of the NC Military Historical Society, tells Up & Coming Weekly that there is a chapter in Fayetteville, but this will be the first time the symposium has been held in Fayetteville. "For many years, the symposium was held in Raleigh, but starting in 2022, we branched out, hosting the symposium in New Bern. is year is Fayetteville. In 2024 we will probably return to Raleigh, and in the future, may hold symposiums elsewhere around the state," Duppstadt said. is year's event will focus on some current and historic Military installations in North Carolina. ere will be presentations on Camp Lejeune, Camp Davis and Fort Fisher during World War II, the his- tory of Fort Bragg, and the U.S. Coast Guard in North Carolina. e day's schedule is flexible, so people can attend a lecture and leave as their schedule permits. e symposium will kick off at 9 a.m. e first lecture will be at 10 a.m. by Paul Peeples. Peeples is a native of Fayetteville and a veteran of twenty years with the United States Marine Corps. He will be talking about Camp Lejeune during World War II. Following his presentation, Cliff Tyndall, a recently retired History and Geography Professor at Bladen Community College, will provide a presentation on Camp Davis and Fort Fisher during World War II. His lecture starts at 11 a.m. ere will be an hour-and-a-half break for lunch. e symposium will resume at 1:15 p.m. with a presenta- tion about the history of Fort Bragg. at will be provided by Dr. Linda F. Carnes-McNaughton, a profes- sional archaeologist, researcher, and cultural resources manager. e final presentation, scheduled for 2:15 p.m., will be given by Atlanta Area Historian for the U.S. Coast Guard, Dr. William iesen. He will be talking about the U.S. Coast Guard in North Carolina. At 3:15 p.m., there will be a special opportunity to tour the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Museum. Learning about state and military history is beneficial. "I think the study of North Caro- lina's Military history gives lessons to current generations," Peeples said. "One example is the Battle of Guildford Court House in the Revolutionary War. e results of Guildford Court House lead the British Commander, Lord Cornwal- lis, to go to Yorktown with the army he commanded, where it would be surrounded, cut off from reinforce- ment or evacuation, and compelled to surrender," he said. Attendees may take home more than knowledge. "Each year at the symposium, we hold a book raffle. Raffle tickets are drawn numerous times throughout the day, and folks can pick from a wide array of military history books," Duppstadt said. "We are happy to be hosting this in Fayetteville and hope local folks will come out, see what we're all about, and hopefully decide to become members of the Fayetteville Chapter." e symposium will take place on Saturday, May 6 and is free and open to the public. e presenta- tions will be in the Pate Room of the Cumberland County Headquarters Library. e FILI Museum is located across the street from the library, within walking distance. For more information on the NC Military Historical Society, visit www. ncmilitaryhistoricalsociety.org. e NC Military Historical Society annual sym- posium will be held in Fayetteville on May 6. e event is free and open to the public. (Photo courtesy NC Military Historical Society) HANNAH LEE, Assistant Editor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200 HANNAH LEE, Assistant Editor. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200

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