CityView Magazine

May 2023

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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Page 42 of 53 | 39 HigHland Funeral Service & crematory, inc. SULLIVAN'S 910.484.8108 610 Ramsey St, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Providing Providing compassionate compassionate care when you care when you need us the most need us the most • On-site Crematory • Traditional Funeral Services • Military Funeral Services • Family-owned and Operated The provide learning Music FTCC'S F T C C C O R P O R A T E & C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N Whether you're interested in cooking, furniture upholstery, gardening, jewelry making, photography, SAT Prep, or something else – we have the course for you! CONTACT US TODAY! (910) 678-8431 Summertime is a great season to refresh and learn something new! Be inspired in one of our many self-enrichment programs! The manager of Fayetteville State University's planetarium likes to sprinkle cosmic observations in his educational programs. Time and space: "Astronomy is not just looking at the sky, but it's a time machine because the farther away you look, the further back in time you are looking. So, when you look at galaxies that are really, really far away, we're actually seeing them as they were close to the beginning of the universe. When light left there on its way to your eyeballs tonight, there were dinosaurs walking around here. That's kind of a mind- boggling thing for people to realize." Closer to home: "Say if you could establish communications with the nearest inhabitable planet and say, 'What's up?' in 4 1/2 years, it gets there. So it's almost a nine-year travel time just to have a round-trip conversation with the nearest star." Alien life: "There's got to be life out there. We see life in places here on Earth that we weren't expecting to see. There's two moons, Europa and Callisto, near Jupiter and Saturn. Europa has more liquid water under its icy surface than in all the oceans of Earth. You've got hot liquid water. There's almost certainly life under there. It's just getting to it is tough." JOE KABBES' UNIVERSAL VIEWS

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