Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2023 Maintaining Our Fraternal Bonds The Alumni Impact TEAMWORK As a house corporation, we keep a close relationship with the undergraduate Chapter and work together to maintain superiority on campus. ey continue to pursue excellence in all aspects of campus life that we value— academics, campus leadership, philanthropy/ community service, intramurals, Men of Principle, and a risk-management approach to their social life. STOP BY SOMETIME e undergraduates always enjoy when alumni visit the house. Feel free to stop by aer a sporting event or anytime you happen to be on campus. Please remember that if you visit, the house is dry—that applies to undergraduates and alumni alike. Please respect this rule for the betterment of everyone. FINANCES e financial health of the house corporation remains a priority. We appreciate all contributions from our alumni, and we continue to make steady progress thanks to your support. I am eager to have a "burn the mortgage" party in the near future. Please help make that happen soon! GOLF OUTING ON MAY 20 We are very excited about the upcoming golf outing and reunion on campus, coming up on May 20. is gathering includes a brunch at the house, followed by golf at Purdue's Ackerman- Allen Course. See the details below. It's not too late to get involved. Please make an effort to get back and encourage your friends to join you. HAVE YOU REUNITED LATELY? We always love to hear stories about brotherly gatherings and pledge class reunions. If you have such an event, please send me pictures and information to share with others in future publications. BOOKMARK US! And please keep your contact information up to date so we can continue to reach you. We send out reminders by mail and electronically, but you can proactively do it by going to our website at your-contact-information. OPEN POSITIONS As a reminder, we still have a vacancy on our board. I am especially interested in more involvement from our younger alumni. If you would like to serve, please contact me. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President THANK YOU, DEVOTED ALUMNI Your Contributions Keep Us Going W e appreciate every donor on this list who has prioritized Beta Mu Chapter. e names below represent donations since our last newsletter as of April 12, 2023. Your financial support allows us to keep growing our proud brotherhood at Purdue. Add your name to the list below by using the enclosed envelope to send in your donations or dues. You can also donate online by visiting or scanning the QR code to join your brothers. John Wooden Club ($5,000 and up) Jay D. Merrell '82 Chad Zamarin '98 In honor of e Beta Mu Pledge Class of 1994/1995 John Riley Knox Club ($1,000 to $4,999) Robert N. St. Jean '69 Richard J. Bond '79 omas Hoover '82 James E. Dora Jr. '86 Beta Mu Founders Club ($500 to $999) Robert Knepper Jr. '55 John D. Miller '82 Mike Assaad '94 John C. Tyrpin '94 Harold "Hank" Vice '99 Byron K. Wheeler '99 Kai Club ($200 to $499) Howard Harman '51 Robert McLean '62 Phillip L. Zellers '64 John E. Mitchell '67 Jan Deemer '68 R. Scott Hayes '68 Bob Butsch '75 D. Page Hoover '91 Grady Martin '97 Mike R. Switala '12 Wooglin Club ($100 to $199) Clifford A. Dunton '57 John Hoyt '57 Raymond W. Gass '59 Phil Kuebbeler '60 Ralph R. Mason '60 George E. Shortle Jr. '62 omas Gerber '63 Brendan O'Brien '63 Grant H. Martin '67 Roger Schenkel '68 Mark M. Owen '74 Daniel M. Palermo '84 John C. Kestler '85 Kent Whitaker '86 Joe Beaty '18 Beta Dragon Club (Up to $99) Robert Billman '52 Robert L. Harshman '56 Dean A. Wilson '64 John Canterbury '65 David P. Todd '82 Mark Sanfilippo '91 Griffin W. Hoover '18 In honor of Chuck Hoover Sean Eddington '19 Date: May 20 Start time: 10 a.m. (Meet at the Chapter House) Brunch: 10 a.m.-noon Fully catered brunch on the back deck of the house. Golf: 1-5 p.m. Shotgun start at the Purdue Akerman- Allen Course Cost: $135/player (Includes green fees, catered brunch, drink tickets at the course, etc.) Sponsorships available and NEEDED: Event sponsor: $2,500 Hole sponsor: $250 Undergrad Sponsor: Anyone willing to chip in for these guys? Lots of contests/ prizes: Longest drive Longest putt Lowest score Hole-in-one Mulligans 50/50 raffle And more! Alumni Golf Outing S AV E T H E D AT E Here are the details to share with your Beta brothers: Please contact Committee Chairman Byron Wheeler '99 at or (317) 760-3782 or visit to sign up or for additional information.

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