Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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efforts and mix with various groups to help increase awareness of Beta and exemplify our values around campus. BROTHERHOOD EVENTS A highlight of the fall semester was our Thanksgiving event. It was a great opportunity to get to know the Brothers better, cook some delicious food, and invite various friends of Beta to the house. This spring, we're planning to host a crepe event for the campus, and we are also looking forward to the local alumni career fair, where we will have the opportunity to hear Brothers talk about their professional experiences and, of course, enjoy some pizza. FINISHING STRONG Overall, Beta Upsilon Chapter has accomplished a lot in the year so far, and we have still more plans on the horizon. From increasing campus awareness to deepening the connections that make our fraternity strong, I am proud to have a front row seat to watch Beta Upsilon's resilience and growth showcased in our initiatives and our commitment to the brotherhood. Yours in _kai_, Joshua Curtis Kuffour '24, Chapter President BACK BAY BETA Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology P.O. Box 442100 Lawrence, KS 66044-2100 Address Service Requested FOLLOW US ONLINE BetaMIT B eta Upsilon has been busy these last few months! In the fall, we excelled academically and in our philanthropy events. We worked to steadily improve the statistics of our campus involvement and outreach. After a busy semester, the Brothers were tired; many went abroad for the independent activities period. As we returned to campus, the arrival of spring also brought a revitalized energy. Now that everyone is back, we're excited to be tackling an action- packed semester together. ACADEMICS Last semester, we maintained an GPA of 3.6. This is impressive considering the variety of the academic endeavors our Brothers pursue, including majors across 10 different departments. We seek to maintain or even increase our GPA via study breaks organized by our academic assistance chairman, William Nolan '24, and our graduate resident advisor, Lauren Futami. OUR NEWEST MEMBERS In other achievements, we maintained our roster of around 40 members and were able to recruit three new pledges, Alex Meier '26, Luis Turino '26, and Vishruth Konakanch '26. This pledge class is eager to get involved and support the chapter. They occupy important positions within Beta Theta Pi, and I'm looking forward to channeling this new energy into the various events we have planned this year. PHILANTHROPY In terms of philanthropy, we sold handmade ornaments at the Winter Holiday philanthropy event and raised $505 for the Boston Area Rape and Crisis Center. We're grateful to Franc Belemkoabga '24 for his work on that effort. We have plans this semester to support other fraternities and sororities in their philanthropy Onwards and Upwards! From right: Colin Clark '26, Randy McLaughlin '24, Alvaro Tejada-Silva '25, Max Fan '23, and Vishruth Konakanch '26 search for treasure in an escape room during initiation. Brothers share a late dinner (or is it an early breakfast?) at 5 a.m. at South Street Diner. Clockwise from right: Harry Heiberger '24, Ashar Farooq '23, Henry Heiberger '24, Colin Clark '26, and Alvaro Tejada-Silva '25. Brothers gather around the campfire during the annual Beta Retreat in New Hampshire. Beta Brothers Continue to Excel in Outreach and Involvement

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