Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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Kansas Beta brothers wear cancer awareness shirts they created in support of housemother Mary's fight against breast cancer. LION'S LORE A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E K A N S A S B E T A C H A P T E R O F S I G M A A L P H A E P S I L O N SPRING 2023 K a n s a s B e t a S t r i v e s t o B u i l d o n S u c c e s s K ansas Beta has had a stellar year. After being recognized as one of the top fraternities at Kansas State and by ΣAE National in 2022, we are not resting on our laurels. Kansas Beta strives to be the best chapter in academics, intramurals and athletics, while also having fun. We initiated 33 members last fall, and they show great leadership promise. We initiated two new members in the spring and received a transfer from our brothers at UMKC. The chapter house is again full this academic year with 61 brothers living at 1015 Denison and a total of just over 100 members. Recruitment for the 2023-24 academic year is off to a strong start. The recruitment team has met with more than 50 potential members. AWARDS Kansas Beta received a Dean's Award for achieving 80% of points toward our chapter goals this past year. The award was announced at the K-State Fraternal Excellence Awards on Feb. 19. We have also set ambitious goals for the coming year. CHAPTER GOALS • Win Top Fraternity in the Nation with the North American Interfraternity Council and ΣAE National. • Finish in the top three K-State fraternity chapters in grades for the spring 2023 semester. • Finish with the highest philanthropic contribution among all fraternities on campus. • Win Fraternity of the Year at K-State. ACADEMICS Success in the classroom remains a priority for Kansas Beta. For the Fall semester, the combined effort of brothers delivered a 3.36 GPA for the chapter, which earned a Gold award for K-State fraternities with a 3.3 GPA or higher. Members worked hard adjusting to in-person classes following the COVID pandemic. Their efforts resulted in 27 members achieving a 3.5 or higher GPA and 19 members achieving a 4.0. INTRAMURALS Kansas Beta has had a very successful year so far in intramurals. Our football team won the fall championships and brought home the championship trophy. The soccer team finished just short of a repeat with a third-place finish. We're very confident in our basketball and softball teams. Kansas Beta is on a mission to become intramural champions of the 2022-23 school year. PHILANTHROPY Kansas Beta takes a lot of pride in achieving our philanthropic goals. Raising money for good causes is a major part of what we do. We hosted a shrimp boil and raised more than $3,500 to support Housemother Mary Mignano in her breast cancer treatment. Last year, we raised over $6,000 for Children's Miracle Network through events such as our car wash, which raised over $1,300. We also participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's and raised over $3,000 for the Alzheimer's Association. Kansas Beta members are active on campus: • Alex Niemann '25 and Landon Trout '25 are president and treasurer of Order of Omega, the academic honorary club for fraternities and sororities at K-State. • Kagan Leiker '25, Cashe McVey '23, and Issac Freeman '24 served as sales ambassadors in the fall semester. • Landon Trout '25 was a part of the national championship crops judging team. • Juan Gomez '24 is serving as a senator in the College of Engineering. • Alex Niemann '25 sits on the Kansas State Student Alumni Board. Fraternally, Adam Wheeler '25 Chapter President R E M A I N I N G T H E G O L D S T A N D A R D

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