Pi Kappa Alpha - Purdue University

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue University

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1495017

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Page 3 PI KAPPA ALPHA T o start the spring 2023 semester, brothers hosted an amazing two weeks of recruitment, resulting in our biggest spring new member class ever. We pinned 33 new members in February and are at the top spot for new- member class size. Many of these members are roommates and friends of our current freshman members, so it's great to see the positive impact of our fraternity on its members. They have started learning the history and the values of Pi Kappa Alpha and are becoming stronger men— and, hopefully soon, brothers. We have also added a new chairman to the health and safety board: the mental health chairman. As the first to hold this new role, Jake Pfau '26 leads weekly meetings with brothers and also provides any relevant resources or direction. Also, our second-floor "Brother's Lounge" received a major renovation with new couches, a projector and screen, a sound system, and new decorations. Thank you to the Beta Phi Foundation for the monetary support, and big thanks to Dylan Yoder '25, Patrick Brown '25, and Jacob Kaplan '25 for getting the project done. Later this spring, we will be going on our annual formal outing in downtown Chicago, hosting a black-tie event on a yacht on Lake Michigan. Also, we will be hosting our amazing mothers for Mom's Day in mid-April, including brunch and goat yoga activities. We look forward to sharing more news with you as the year continues! Fraternally, Brennan Chopp '24, President Left: Josh Downham '25 (right) is one of four undergraduate scholarship winners at the anniversary celebration for his 4.0 GPA as a PharmD student. Joe Conti '85 ( left) and the rest of the Beta Phi Foundation members chose Josh to receive this award. Right: Ethan Jost '26 completes his second marathon in Disney World. Ethan is an active representative of all the pillars of SLAG. Left: Caden Chen '25, Jack May '24, and Alex Pons '25 (center) planned and organized a very successful Pike's Fireman Challenge in September with the support of the Purdue Fire Dept. We had 25 teams from other Greek organizations participate in the fundraiser obstacle course. This was one of many events included in our annual DreamGirl competition. Right: Our 100-year anniversary on October 15, 2022. We had an amazing turnout, and it was a great celebration of an even better 100 years of history. Year 101 of Beta Phi Year 101 of Beta Phi Brothers Support Brothers Year-Round

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