Sigma Phi Epsilon - Oklahoma State University

Winter 2023 Newsletter

Oklahoma Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Oklahoma State University

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Inside: A Cheesy (But Beloved) Tradition t 2 Meat You at Homecoming t 2 Alumni Update t 3 Welcome, New Members t 3 Alpha Artery A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI OF OKLAHOMA ALPHA t SIGMA PHI EPSILON WINTER 2023 AN UNFORGETTABLE HOMECOMING O klahoma Alpha competed in "America's Greatest Homecoming" with the ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha. The two chapters worked together for 6-8 weeks preparing for the celebration. It is well worth the effort, as tens of thousands of fans flooded Stillwater for the Walkaround the night before our Homecoming game. It is estimated that 100,000 people are in town for the weekend's events—in a town with a population of around 50,000! As you can see from these pictures, they did a great job honoring OSU heroes John Smith (Renaissance Brother), Garth Brooks, Wally Funk, and Nancy Randolph Davis. We applaud the team for placing fourth in the house dec competition! An Everlasting Brotherhood T here are so many educational periods in our lives that only last for such a brief time: middle school (thank goodness), high school, college and, for some, post-graduate school. What does not have to come to an end after four short years, however, is our brotherhood in Sigma Phi Epsilon. I want to challenge each of you to read this newsletter front to back, and when you are finished, reach out to one brother, no matter how long it has been, and let them know how they have made a difference in your life. This may not be a challenge for some; if that is the case, then your challenge is to reach out to one brother that you have not connected with for more than a year by sending a quick text, email, or message through social media. Maybe you have a listening ear for a brother who is struggling and needs help being heard; maybe your positive mindset is just what a brother needs as he navigates a new career; or maybe you need reconnection for your own self-care. Wherever you are in life, you are a Sigma Phi Epsilon with gifts to be shared. Today is the day to share your gifts with your brothers. Sigma Phi House dec 2022! Congratulations to SigEp brothers and Zeta Tau Alpha sisters on their OSU-themed Homecoming sign! Pomping for Homecoming is a great group activity, as demonstrated by Josh Reid '26, Matthew Hartig '26, Seth Giddeon '26, and Austin Young '26. Homecoming comes together with work from Charlie Cannon, Logan Hamby, Eli Helm, and Preston Fisher '26. Reac h Out to a Brot her T od ay !

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