Up & Coming Weekly

November 08, 2022

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM NOVEMBER 9- 15, 2022 UCW 21 e Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church is back with its annual World's Largest Spaghetti Dinner and Greek Pastry sale, Nov. 16 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. "Spaghetti is the perfect food for everyone of all ages," Lia Hasapis said. e spaghetti dinner not only serves as a fundraiser for the church, but also a delicious lunch and dinner for the community. According to Hasapis, the sauce is a special recipe passed down from generation to generation, and the spaghetti dinner and pastry sale is a chance for the church to show the community "kefi," which means fun, enthusiasm and a passion for life in Greek. "We provide kefi at the [spaghetti dinner]," Hasapis said. It takes nearly 4,000 pounds of dry spaghetti, 900 gallons of tomato sauce and over 100 volunteers to make this delicious fundraiser a reality. e volunteers at Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church start by preparing noodles, spaghetti sauce, cheese, bread and baking pastries days in advance. "With the spaghetti dinner and Greek pastry sale [called] the world's largest, it takes a lot of prep work to [get ready] for such" a big event, Hasapis said. If you missed the Greek pastries Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church delivered back in September during the Greek Festival, this is your opportunity to right that wrong. Desserts include Baklava, Greece's most famous dessert, a phyllo layered pastry filled with honey, spices and chopped nuts; Kataifi, shredded phyllo filled with nuts, dipped in honey and syrup; Finikia, a tradi- tional Greek spice cookie that is sweet, crumbly, dipped in honey and topped with nuts, plus much more. e World's Largest Spaghetti Din- ner and Greek Pastry sale is takeout only, between the hours of 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 16. Tickets are $10 per spaghetti plate, plus a la carte for everything else. e Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church was built in 1954, when the Parish Council and Board of Directors for the Hel- lenic Community Center signed the contract to build the Hellenic Center at the northern edge of Oakridge Avenue. e Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church has a chapel, classroom, fellowship hall and porch that opens into a spacious lot and stage. Since 2009, Reverend Alexander M. Papagikos has been serving the parish. e Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church is located at 614 Oakridge Avenue, at the very end if coming from Hay Street. Keep in mind Oakridge Avenue begins directly across from the Cape Fear Regional eatre at the top of the hill in Haymount. e World's Largest Spaghetti Dinner and Greek Pastry sale began in 1958, thanks to parishioner Pete Parrous. To learn more about the Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Or- thodox Church, or to pre-order as many spaghetti plates as possible to be picked up during the event, please visit FayGreekChurch.com. Spaghetti dinner and Greek pastry sale set for Nov. 16 by R. ELGIN ZEIBER EVENT e Spaghetti dinner and pastry sale will be Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Photo courtesy Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church) R. ELGIN ZEIBER, Intern. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200 439 WESTWOOD SHOPPING CENTER FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28314 910-860-1220 STORE2974@THEUPSSTORE.COM FORT BRAGG MINI-MALL REILLY ROAD 910-436-7877 STORE4787@THEUPSSTORE.COM The UPS Stores – Veteran Owned/Operated Send print projects to print2974@gmail.com COMING TO HOPE MILLS LATER IN 2022 Print & Business Services Westwood & Fort Bragg faxing shipping mailboxing notarizing signing shredding blueprinting designing freighting plaqueing brochuring boxing engraving packing copying printing

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