Beta Theta Pi - University of Minnesota

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Beta Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Minnesota

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PAge 3 betA thetA Pi I spent the first two years of college living at home—coming back after class and hanging out with my high school friends. I began to realize that a full college experience would require more involvement with campus activities. I had heard about fraternities and went through rush (now recruitment) week, visiting six or seven houses—unsure if I'd join any. It was the Beta house that caught my attention, seeing the members' self- confidence and bonds of brotherhood. It was also clear that they valued academic achievement. I determined that pledging would provide me with more interaction and involvement in campus life. The members that I met that week seemed to be cut above the other fraternities in terms of maturity; I decided that I would benefit most from pledging there. Soon after pledging, I chose James Reese '60 as my big brother—finding out later that he was not only the chapter president, but also president of the Minnesota Student Association. Despite his busy schedule, Jim had time to listen to me and provide advice and guidance. One of the remarkable and memorable experiences at Beta Pi Chapter was the spirited singing. Beta was blessed with the good song "Marching Along," which always impressed the sorority sisters at co-ed dinners. The chapter music master, Robert Hervey '61, coached the chapter to an interfraternity singing contest victory. For Beta's 125th General Convention, fraternity leaders decided that the convention president should be an active member from one of the chapters. Richard Sjowall '64, a friend of mine, was chosen. Richard asked me to help him draft his opening speech and assist him as he prepared for the convention. Unfortunately, on the morning of the first day, I arrived at the convention hall door to find that Richard had been called away for a family emergency—and that I was being asked to preside over convention in his stead. Needless to say, this was a shock and a challenge that I was not sure I could fulfill. There were only about 10 minutes to decide, but at the urging of our alumni advisor, Peter Greiner '51, who later become General Fraternity President and is the namesake of the Beta Theta Pi Leadership College, and Brother Jack Ebner '65, I overcame my fears and accepted the position. With the support of the convention attendees, this turned out to be a great experience. I presided over all four days of the convention, attended by several hundred undergraduates and alumni. This was truly an event that taught me, among other things, that I could make quick decisions and that I had previously unknown courage to face my trepidations. Peter later asked me to work as a legal clerk at his firm while finishing my last law school year. I believe that my experience with Beta contributed greatly to my professional success. I believe in supporting the chapter so that the younger men will have the opportunity to benefit and grow in the same manner. Bruce lives in Ashland, Oregon, and can be reached at Growing as Brothers Bruce Johnson '61 Shares How Beta Pi Changed His Life • Made plumbing repairs in second-floor bathroom (replaced hand dryer and faucet, repaired toilet). • Replaced flagpole mounting bracket on front exterior and purchased new Beta flag. • Repaired rear staircase and installed new steel nose to prevent future degradation of the concrete stairs. • Repaired/repainted water-damaged plaster walls in basement as well as rear staircases. • Installed additional circuit breakers to provide additional power for third-floor sleeping rooms, third-floor hallway lighting, and basement commissary refrigerators. COmpleted prOfeSSiOnal Cleaning fOr: • All common-area floors, including the travertine in the Greiner Room and spiral staircase; bathroom and kitchen floor tile; glue-down carpeting in the first-, second-, and third-floor hallways; and enameled concrete staircases. • All bathrooms, including showers, countertops, and toilets. • Custom Beta Theta Pi rugs for Greiner Room. • Kitchen ventilation hood. As you can see from this list, a considerable amount of work is needed to maintain the historic building. We have more small repairs as well as large projects on the horizon, and your support (of any kind) contributes to enabling us to fulfill our mission. To all who gives their time, treasure, or talents to help make this possible – thank you! Yours in __kai__, Cian Chase '08 House Coup Volunteer (651) 491-3439 Have you kept up with any fellow alumni over the years? Ken Smith '67 has been a lifelong friend. We stay in touch and keep each other up to date on the events of our lives. We have shared many adventures together, and after all these years, we can still make each other laugh. What are you most proud of in your career? During the first years of the AIDS crisis, I drafted wills and provided estate advice, on a pro bono basis, to many who were afflicted by the epidemic and without financial resources. One client, a local Native American chief, made me an honorary member of his tribe. BTP Society and House Corporation Updates (Continued from page 1) Bruce on graduation day. Bruce, Burton Folsom, Nebraska '49, Paul Van Riper, De Pauw '38, and Dr. Seth Brooks, St. Lawrence '22 at the 125th Beta Convention Bruce in 1970.

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