Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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LION'S LORE A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E K A N S A S B E T A C H A P T E R O F S I G M A A L P H A E P S I L O N FALL 2022 K ansas Beta continues to excel. We are committed to being a top chapter in academics, athletics, philanthropy, social events, and community service. This commitment keeps us motivated to better ourselves every day and live out the meaning of the True Gentleman. Awards This past summer, we earned a Chapter Achievement Award, given to the top five Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapters in the nation. At the 166th SAE National Convention, several undergraduate brothers were awarded individual awards, and Jet Rawlings '24 was named Outstanding Treasurer. In addition, ΣAE was named a runner-up for the top fraternity at K-State for the 2021-22 school year. Chapter Goals While we're proud of our accomplishments to date, we are continually working to improve. As a chapter, we have set the following goals: • Finish in the top three for grades in the fall 2022 semester. • Finish with the highest philanthropic contribution among all fraternities. • Win the Greek intramural championship for the 2022-23 school year. Recruitment and Retention Kansas Beta continues to set the bar high in recruitment by successfully filling the chapter house and recruiting the largest class out of all fraternities this fall. Our recruitment team, led by Isaac Freeman '24 and Matt McCracken '24, worked hard to better their recruitment strategies through a variety of training seminars led by Chapter Advisor John Hatfield '77. Thanks to their work, we initiated 33 new members, all of whom have shown the ability to be strong leaders on campus. As our first retention activity of the fall semester, John Hatfield '77 led these young men on a trip to Colorado where they climbed a 14,000-foot mountain, Mt. Evans. The purpose of this trip, now named The Expedition 2022, was to create a memorable bonding leadership experience, deepen friendships and brotherhood, and create a sense of belonging and camaraderie. We are committed to developing these 33 these brothers into leaders in the house and the campus community. Scholastic Success The hard work and dedication of our members earned us a 3.46 all-chapter GPA for the spring 2022 semester. Over a quarter of our members achieved a 4.0 GPA, The Expedition 2022 Summer 2022 Leadership School Fall 2022 Alumni Weekend Huge Success Actives Achieve Excellence Across All Areas of Chapter Life (Continued on page 2) We had 65 alumni attend the 2022 Alumni Golf Tournament and 300 attend the Alumni and Dad's Weekend tailgate. Plan to join these annual events next fall.

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