Sigma Chi - Gettysburg College

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi at Gettysburg College

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3 SIGMA CHI Brother David Goldman '24 (left) with fellow Sig atop a mountain in Utah at Sigma Chi's Horizons Leadership Experience. Brothers with our new sweetheart, Autumn Chassie '23. Brothers Brett Travis '23, Peter Halsey '23, and Aidan Cohen '24 at the Krach Transformational Leadership Workshop. Spring and Fall Recruitment Success The brothers of Theta Chapter are excited for the upcoming fall semester, having reunited after a productive summer break. Among the 40 active brothers are seven new members who were initiated in early spring. It has been a pleasure to watch them all grow as men and improve their community in so many amazing ways. The brotherhood is also proud to extend bids to 13 promising young men this fall; we hope to one day call them Brothers. Awards and Accomplishments At the Gettysburg College Greek Awards, Alex Kagan '24 won Sophomore of the Year for his exemplary work within his community. Brother Kagan is "honored to have received the award and looking forward to continuing to make positive change within the Gettysburg community." Theta Chapter was also recognized for reaching the highest fraternity GPA on campus. Leadership Workshops Over summer break, brothers took advantage of the multiple leadership workshops offered by Sigma Chi. • Brothers David Goldman '24, Alex, and John Swartz '22 attended Horizons Leadership Experience to improve their leadership and group dynamic skills. Brother Goldman believed the event to be "one of the best experiences of my life. I went in not knowing what to expect and emerged not wanting to leave. The lessons I learned cannot be found anywhere else." • Brothers Peter Halsey '23, Brett Travis '23, and Aidan Cohen '24 attended the Krach Transformational Leadership Workshop. While there, the brothers developed their personal and professional skills to apply in the fraternity and in their future careers. Philanthropy Work and Recognition The chapter took home first place at Tri Sigma's Cupcake Wars, raising money for the Tri Sigma Foundation and the March of Dimes. Our brothers also participated in the International Men's March Walk a Mile event. This event raises awareness for sexual assault, rape, and gender-based violence while raising money for Adams County Sexual Assault Services. For the 14th year in a row, Theta received the highest award a Sigma Chi chapter can earn: the Peterson Significant Chapter Award. The chapter also won the Legion of Honor Academic award and the award for Best Campus Involvement for a philanthropy event. These awards recognize our scholastic and philanthropic achievements from the past year. Our brothers are committed to forever strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and improving our surrounding communities. In Hoc, Samuel DeBrandt '24 Tribune Striving for the BeSt Theta Chapter Celebrates Fraternal and on-Campus Recognition Increase brotherhood participation within the chapter and the community. 1 2 3 Improve cumulative GPA. Successfully initiate our fall pledge class. Chapter Goals for the Fall Consul Peter Halsey '23 Pro Consul Brett Travis '23 Magister Erick Miller '23 Risk Manager Josh Myers '23 Quaestor Matt Rau '23 Annotator Logan Sodl '24 House Manager Hayden Johnson '24 Kustos Connor Elliott '23 Historian Mike Baehre '24 Tribune Sam DeBrandt '24 Recruitment Chairman David Goldman '24 (914) 467-9460 Philanthropy Chairman Russel Midgley '23 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chairman Harrison Moore '23 Peterson Chairman Anthony Sanchez '24 Chapter Editor Alex Kagan '24 High Priest (Ritual Chairman) Rieser Faller '22 Social Chairman Cole Bayesa '23 Brotherhood Chairman Andrew Weinbrum '23 Scholarship Chairman Malcolm Lathrop-Allen '24 Interfraternity Council Representative Conor Vienneau '24 Chapter Officers

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