The winter months vending season is a very busy time of year for the Town of Quartzsite. In fact,
this is the peak season for the Town's local businesses, vendors, visitors, off-roading, and shoppers
alike. With all the hustle and bustle going on all over Town, we have a few tips and pointers to help
with your success!
If you plan on vending within Town limits, there are several requirements that must be met. The
Town requires every vendor to fill out an application packet which can be found on the Town's
website, and at Town Hall. The packet contains an application, state required licensing eligibility,
proper identification, and an AZ tax transaction number.
If you are a food vendor, handler, or selling any food or beverage item, you will have a few more
requirements which include: a Fire Inspection by the local fire department and a Health permit by La
Paz County Health Department. Please contact each agency directly.
You will want to start by contacting a local show owner or manager for a show dealer application
and space rental for specific site details. Next, complete your Town of Quartzsite vendor application
paperwork. And remember each show location is independently owned and operated and must be
contacted individually.
The Town strives to make this process as efficient and easy for you as possible. We work with each
of the show locations, owners, and managers toward the common goal for making Quartzsite a
friendly, inviting place for all to enjoy!
We suggest having all paperwork completed prior to your
arrival into Town – this will save you a tremendous amount of time.
If you have any questions, please visit the Town's website at or call us at
928-927-4333. We hope you enjoy your stay with us and come back time and time again!
By Janet Collier, Town of Quartzsite