Sigma Nu - Louisiana Tech University

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Eta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Nu at Louisiana Tech University

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"I think I'll take a moment to celebrate our age. e ending of an era and the turning of a page. Now it's time to focus in on where we go from here; Lord have mercy on our next thirty years." I have heard that many of life's great mysteries and prophetic wisdom are revealed in country music. You may recognize the lyric above from the country classic "My Next irty Years," by Tim McGraw. Even if you aren't a country music aficionada, I trust you will recognize the transformative potential of opening our new house and the opportunity it provides for our chapter, members, future members, and LA Tech University. e opening of the new house represents the culmination of years of hard work by the House Corporation Board and brothers Frank Potts HZ0465, Chris Barr HZ0452, Fred Bennett HZ0502, Joe Reyes HZ0655, Danny Rea HZ0284, and Mark Porter HZ0315, in addition to countless other alumni who have given their time, money, and other support to the project. It has been a labor of love for the fraternity experience that they enjoyed while at Tech and a passionate commitment to preserving that experience for Eta Zeta members to come. e opening of the house, however, as the song suggests, is not just the end of an era—it is also the beginning of the next chapter of our fraternity's story. is next chapter will be written with not only the investment of additional financial resources, but also the chance to engage our alumni as we develop relationships with each other and the active chapter. Now more than ever, the chapter needs the support and engagement of our alumni. I have been asked several times over the last two years by various alumni, "What can I do to help?" Below, I have provided a summary of each alumni group and the support they provide to their constituencies; if any of these opportunities interest you, there is also information on how to get involved! ALUMNI CHAPTER All initiated members that aren't active chapter members are a part of the Eta Zeta alumni chapter. While there are annual dues of $50 associated with membership, your membership is not contingent on the payment of these dues. e primary purpose of the alumni chapter is to provide a conduit for alumni to connect across eras and geographies. Its goals include maintaining current contact information on alumni, connecting alumni, and providing timely information on Eta Zeta, recruitment, and other university involvement such as Homecoming and alumni gatherings. An alumni relations chairman is designated to help the alumni chapter connect with the active chapter. Various groups of alumni gather in cities across the south, and we would love to see more regional meetings for alumni to connect and network. HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS e House Corporation Board exists to provide a gathering place and Greek life residential experience for the active chapter. Obviously, the last three years have been very busy for the board. Typically, the board's role is to oversee the house and ensure its maintenance and upkeep. Terms of service to the House Corporation Board are generally three years, but in some cases are altered based on need and availability. Most business is handled through email or Zoom meetings, but occasionally there are opportunities for the group to meet in person. ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARD As the name of this board suggests, it exists to advise the undergraduate chapter. Generally, this group is comprised of local (North Louisiana) alumni that are available to meet with, mentor, and help develop the collegiate men. ey assist with things such as LEAD, recruitment training, and officer transition, and they serve as a repository for tradition and history of the chapter. Positions on this board offer alumni as much opportunity to connect with the chapter as their time allows. ere is always a need for career mentorship and leadership development. ETA ZETA CAPITAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE is ad hoc board committee was created to facilitate fundraising efforts for the initial capital campaign for the new house and subsequent fundraising efforts to retire the residual debt associated with the construction project. is group has been responsible for raising over $1.6 million in commitments for the new house and is planning to raise an additional $1 million to pay off the house once complete. While our relationship with fundraising specialist Pennington & Company and our partnership with the LA Tech Alumni Foundation have been invaluable, the most effective way of fundraising continues to be brother-to-brother communication. ere is a continual need for alumni brothers to help with fundraising efforts. INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING? If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, please contact me at or (318) 218-4985. I am delighted to connect anyone with the leadership of each group. Respectfully, if you aren't interested in serving, please reach out to me anyway. e goal of these alumni organizations is to perpetuate Eta Zeta's ideals and brand on Tech's campus and in the community. If you don't have a desire to give back to Eta Zeta, I would love to hear why so we can find ways to meet all our alumni's needs and expectations. CELEBRATING THE FUTURE On May 12, 2022, Eta Zeta celebrated its 61st birthday. During those 61 years, the chapter, the university, and our country have endured and prospered under circumstances the original 13 founders likely couldn't have imagined. Our alumni group is the steward of all things Sigma Nu at LA Tech. We look forward to partnering with you for our next 30 years. Love, Honor, and Truth Never Go Out of Style, Jason D. Smith HZ642 Alumni Chapter Commander S I G M A N U F R AT E R N I TY AT LO U I S I A N A T EC H U N IVE R S I TY S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 Looking Toward Our Next 30 Years See Opportunities to Help Strengthen Our Legacy BUILDING ON OUR LEGACY

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