Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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2 W e are eternally grateful for the efforts from the following Beta Upsilon brothers and friends, as they have contributed to the Chapter and the overall future of Beta eta Pi at MIT. e success of Beta Upsilon is directly attributed to the generous support it is receiving. ose who donated in 2021 are listed to the right. If an error has been made in recording your name, we sincerely apologize. If corrections to your giving record are needed, please contact the campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661. ank you, again, for your unwavering support. An Experience of a Lifetime Former Chapter Counselor Emily Cunningham Rises by Lifting up Others E mily Cunningham has always enjoyed the company of her peers; whether she's partaking in meaningful conversation with a friend or helping a college student navigate their future, she finds solace in supporting people around her. Joining Greek life allowed her to hone her interests, build a career, serve her community, and ultimately make a difference in the lives of others—as well as her own. "I never anticipated I would join a sorority until my sophomore year of college," Emily began, "but some of my roommates were affiliated, so I felt encouraged to check it out. I ended up really enjoying the environment of Phi Sigma Sigma (Iona College). Looking back, I was afforded several valuable friendships, countless laughs, and many trips that I'm grateful to have had." During her first three years of college, Emily was on course to becoming a substance abuse counselor; during her senior year, however, she found aspiration in working directly with students in a college setting. Once her mind was made, she scurried to application websites and was later accepted into a master's program at the University of San Diego, kickstarting the journey of a lifetime. While working toward her master's in higher education leadership, Emily was also advising the Interfraternity Council and working alongside fraternities, leading to her first introduction to Beta eta Pi. "I saw firsthand how Beta's investment in their members is like no other organization. Between Beta's accountability, financial investment, leadership programs, data and assessments, and overall support, the fraternity is unmatched," Emily enthused. In addition to the University of San Diego, Emily has also worked with Carnegie Mellon University, Northeastern University, and the University of Pittsburgh on advisory committees and with Fraternity and Sorority Life departments. While working with fraternities at Pittsburgh, Beta approached her and asked if she would like to get involved in their efforts to start a new Chapter at the university. Emily was happy to accept. She worked as a member development advisor, then quickly stepped into the role of Chapter counselor. "I loved it! I really treasured my time with the Chapter, and I was sad to leave in 2016," Emily shared. Fortunately, Beta at MIT found her shortly aer her departure from Pittsburgh. "Once I was home in Boston, I quickly jumped at the opportunity to work as Chapter counselor with the Beta Upsilon Chapter at MIT." e experiences Emily had with several universities and their Greek chapters taught her patience, grace, and understanding from an entirely new perspective. Emily watched students learn about their mental health, sense of belonging, and role within the community; as gratifying as it is to witness young adults learn more about themselves and the world, Emily finds herself most committed to watching students support one another. "I love being involved in something that I truly believe in, and I wholeheartedly believe in Beta eta Pi," Emily shared. "When fraternity is done right, it is one of the best things anyone can ever be a part of; it's an experience like no other." Emily was recognized as Chapter Counselor of the Year in 2019 for dedicating her time and her heart to her peers. "I'm normally one who shies away from self-recognition," Emily humbly acknowledged, "but it was validating to know that was I was doing mattered." Undoubtedly, plenty of students would say Emily's compassion and dedication made a difference to their lives, as her ability to be wholly invested in the well-being of others is second nature. Amongst her many achievements, she's most proud of having the privilege to care for her grandmother before her passing. "It was a gi to care for her, to learn from her, and to honor her," Emily shared. Aer serving several Greek communities and learning the value of love and loss from her grandmother, Emily now works in senior living: "is is never where I thought I would land, but I wouldn't have transitioned here without my experiences with Greek life and prioritizing family relationships," Emily said. When it comes to the future of Beta eta Pi, Emily anticipates greatness as the men of Beta eta Pi continue exploring the nature of themselves and their brothers. "ese men are talented and brilliant beyond belief, and I know there's innovation brewing in the Chapter, so I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next!" To learn more about Emily, you can connect with her at ALONE, WE CAN DO SO LITTLE; TOGETHER, WE CAN DO SO MUCH ank You, Loyal Alumni, for Your Generous Contributions Frederick W. Weitz '51 Robert F. Law '54 David L. Vogel '54 John T. Sutton '55 Alfred E. Wechsler '55 R. Gordon Black '56 Robert C. Brigham '56 Ward D. Halverson '56 Harry B. Lee Jr. '56 Robert L. Malster '56 Lawrence R. Hoover '57 Robert E. Kersey '57 Edwin C. Bell '58 Samuel R. Fryer Jr. '59 Allan J. MacLaren '60 Dick Oeler '60 In memory of Booker Gary W. Bickel '61 Philip J. Robinson '61

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