May 2022 | Best Nurses issue
National Nurses Week is May 6-12. It's a time to celebrate
the important work nurses do every day, and the bravery
they've shown while confronting one of the most devastating
pandemics in history. This issue of You at Your Best reminds
us that even after the pandemic is over, nurses will still
be working tirelessly to help heal and comfort. Take
time to let the nurses in your life know how much you
appreciate them, and thank them for a job well done.
Celeste Williams
A nurse whose
dedication led her to
run for Congress
u of a nursing
school alumna
reflects on her first
two years in nursing
3 Why medically prescribed weight loss?
4 it's spring again and you're miserable!
Why should you see an allergist?
7 Q&a with Charlotte rankin
9 Valuing the work nurses do
Brent A. Powers
Sales Manager
Don Jones
Operations Manager
Sandy Robinson
Creative Services
Brian Huntley
Content Marketing
Karen Rice
2 | yOu at yOur Best | yOuatyOurBest.NWaONliNe.COM May - Best Nurses | suNday, april 24, 2022