Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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3 J im Johnson '84 is the third generation of his family to work in the construction industry, and his passion for community service and client satisfaction is evident simply by looking at his career of more than 50 years. Now president and CEO of GE Johnson Construction Company, Jim joined the business as a laborer and has played an active role in every single division. GE Johnson's long list of projects includes hospitals, K-12 and higher education buildings, hotels, and athletic facilities—including several right here at Kansas State University. Growing up, Jim quickly gained work ethic and a respect for hard work from his family. Since his father and brother were both in fraternities, he decided to explore Greek life at K-State. "I would be the first to admit how little I realized that choosing the right fraternity could impact me and my career," he said. Even though he knew nobody at the ΣAE chapter house, the young men warmly welcomed Jim and treated him with respect, getting to know him and learning about his college goals. "My decision was based primarily on a great group of individuals, and I could see myself as one of them someday." Jim held several leadership roles at Kansas Beta, working his way up to Eminent Archon. Each position helped him enhance various skills such as organizational structures, flexibility, and work balance—all while working in a team. His most crucial life skills, however (and favorite part of fraternity life), came from late-night discussions with the brothers. Discussing the world's issues, learning to see a diversity of views and opinions, developing new thoughts altogether … all these things taught Jim the importance of networking and communication with others, which remains crucial for him to this day. Why Kansas Beta Was the Right Choice for Jim Johnson '84 As CEO since 1997, Jim has helped shape GE Johnson's strategic vision and culture, also sharing his vision for community service by forming the GE Johnson Construction Company Foundation. This organization specializes in workforce development, the arts, and youth programs. He has also been a member of various philanthropic boards as well as educational boards at KSU and in the state of Colorado. Jim's business success and philanthropic efforts earned him a spot in the KSU College of Engineering Hall of Fame, plus other accolades such as the Colorado Business Hall of Fame and the Colorado Governor's Citizenship Medal. Jim visits the university often and is encouraged to see his generation invested in its continued success and principles. He is also impressed with the continued quality of the brothers at Kansas Beta—both undergraduates and the alumni volunteers. "When returning to campus, I proudly tout my association with Kansas Beta and the great things they are accomplishing." Jim and his wife, Laura, live in Colorado Springs. As empty nesters, they spend plenty of time enjoying the state's beauty and contemplating what's next for them. If you'd like to connect with Jim, he can be reached at CEMENTING THE SKILLS FOR SUCCESS "I would be the first to admit how little I realized that choosing the right fraternity could impact me and my career." CHAPTER ETERNAL Darrell Ford '57 – Oct. 11, 2021 Brady Stout '92 – July 24, 2021 ALUMNI NEWS Bill Sinderson '58 enjoys his friendships with pledge brothers Don Taylor '57, Bim Braddock '57, and Jack Kiddoo '57, who all cherish the memory of ALUMNI UPDATE pledging together in 1953. The men live in Arizona and Alabama while Bill resides in Overland Park, Kan., but the group still comes together often. Email: Terry Knowles '61 is a retired FBI special agent living in Topeka, Kan. He is willing to volunteer as a counselor to any brother seeking a career in law enforcement. Email: Jerry Boettcher '63 remembers trips with the Epsilon's singing group from 1958- 61. Bob Sanders '60 was the leader, who later had a long career with Disney and the Grand Ole Opry. Jerry lives in Manhattan, Kan. Email: Bud Welch Jr. '65 is the retired CEO of Welco Inc., enjoying life on Council Grove Lake. He is a proud father of four happy, successful grown men. Email:

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