Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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LION'S LORE A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E K A N S A S B E T A C H A P T E R O F S I G M A A L P H A E P S I L O N SPRING 2022 K ansas Beta had a stellar year in 2021. Even after being recognized as the top fraternity at Kansas State, we still push to maintain our status as the best chapter academically, athletically, socially, and philanthropically. We have been able to accomplish great things and look forward to achieving more with the support and dedication of our members and alumni. We initiated 31 members last fall, who all show great promise in leadership, academics, and athletic abilities. They are proving to be True Gentlemen each day. We also initiated two new members this spring. All brothers are working hard together to achieve the following goals: • Win top fraternity in the nation. • Finish in the top three chapters in grades for the spring 2022 semester. • Finish the academic year with the highest philanthropic contribution among all fraternities. • Win "Fraternity of the Year" at K-State. n Scholastic Success Grades remain the focus at Kansas Beta. The combined effort of all brothers delivered a chapter GPA of 3.48 for fall 2021. As members worked hard readjusting to in-person classes, 26 members achieved a 3.5 or higher, and over a quarter of the house achieved a 4.0. The campus has a Greek grade report that ranks each fraternity as a gold, silver, or bronze standard. ΣAE achieved the gold standard, which is a 3.3 GPA or higher. I am extremely pleased with what we have achieved, considering we had all become so accustomed to online classes. n Continued Competitiveness Kansas Beta had a remarkably successful semester in intramurals. Our soccer team finished in second through the spring and brought home the first-place trophy in fall 2021, going undefeated all season. We are confident in our basketball and softball teams and are looking forward to earning the top spot in each sport. Kansas Beta is on a mission to become the intramural champions of the 2021-22 school year. n Philanthropic Pride We take immense pride in achieving our philanthropic goals here at Kansas Beta. Raising money for a good cause is a major part of what we do, and this past year, we raised over $10,000 for Children's Miracle Network. We hosted a car wash in our front driveway that raised over $1,300. We also participated in the Walk for Alzheimer's, where we raised money through social media and participated in a walk to raise over $3,000 for the Alzheimer's Association. The community and our members are excited to continue our philanthropic endeavors this spring. n Other News We are excited to have three freshmen holding executive positions for the spring semester. Meanwhile, Juan Gomez '24 is serving as a senator in the College of Engineering. Recruitment is off to a strong start, as our recruitment team has met more than 50 potential members thus far. (Continued on page 2) Sigma Alpha Epsilon Remains the Gold Standard at Kansas State University

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