North Carolina Mason
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January/February 2022 The North Carolina Mason Page 3 New service awards head out to lodges It is very likely reward enough for any Mason to spend decades in active fellowship with his brethren, but a beautiful pin to recognize service to the Craft makes it all the more special. The Grand Lodge has issued new service award pins in a long-awaited update that harkens back to some very old symbols. The three try squares and compasses are unique to North Carolina and were designed by architect and brother Lesley Boney in November 1955. Boney was also architect of the Grand Lodge Office Building. The blue is based off what is believed to be the blue of Joseph Montfort's Provincial Grand Master's collar and apron. It also represents the daytime sky. The updated medals, which are slightly larger than a nickel, meet requirements of the Code. By tradition, 25-year awards are silver and 50-year awards are gold. The 60-, 70-, and 75-year awards, which were left open to interpretation, and will be made in silver and include gems. They are based off the 1940s octagonal pins the Grand Lodge used through the 1960s and include the Grand Lodge's three try square and compasses emblem. ❍ The 25-year pin is silver with NC Masonic blue (day sky). ❍ The 50-year pin is gold with Navy blue (night sky). ❍ The 60-year pin is silver, NC Masonic blue and white, with a diamond in the hinge of the compasses. ❍ The 70-year pin is silver, NC Masonic blue and white, with a sapphire in the hinge of the compasses. ❍ The 75-year pin is silver, NC Masonic blue and white, with a ruby in the hinge of the compasses. Per the Code, the Grand Lodge annually provides these pins and a certificate. As of press time, this year's service awards were on schedule to go out in February. The original award is free to the honoree. A replacement can be ordered for $10. Warm feet, warmer hearts: Sock sale will benefit MHCO What is the well-dressed Mason wearing this winter? Socks. Stylin' socks. Masonic socks. They're comfy for the feet – and good for the soul. Sales of the socks is part of Grand Master Larry Thompson's efforts to help raise awareness and some money in his year for our Masonic charities. Proceeds will benefit our Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. The design – the Grand Lodge square and compasses – was based on a drawing submitted by one of the kids for the 2022 MHCO calendar. And keeping it in the Masonic family, the socks are being manufactured in North Carolina by Wrightsock, a company owned by Brother Jerry Wrightenberry and managed by Worshipful Brother Joe McCluskey. The socks are spun of yarn made from recycled plastic. They are available in two sizes: Large (size 10-13) and X-Large (12-14) and in three colors: Bahnson Black, MHCO Yellow, and Code Blue. The price is $15 per pair plus $1.50 for shipping and handling. You can pick your order up at the Grand Lodge or have it shipped. You can order via the QR code or grab your credit card and call the NC Grand Lodge at 919-787- 2021 to order. RALEIGH – In 1930, several Masons from across North Carolina sought to create a lodge whose purpose was to explore the more academic aspects of Freema- sonry – its meaning, history, legends, mysteries, myths, and rituals. The lodge's members were encouraged, if not expected, to conduct research and write papers on such topics. The North Carolina Lodge of Research No. 666 (NOCALORE as it was affectionately known) was chartered on Jan. 21, 1931, in Monroe, and was very successful in attracting capable men seeking to illuminate the frater- nity's knowledge of its own nebulous past and pieces. Long out of print, this volume has now been reprinted by the North Carolina Grand Lodge. It is the hope of the Grand Lodge that the reprinting of NOCALORE will help redirect a light on some lost Masonic scholarship and inspire a new generation of Masonic thinkers, philoso- phers, and seekers of light. Each hardcover book costs $29 and can be ordered via the links here: https://tinyurl. com/465zpzx4. Can't find it by linking? Surf to www. and click on Center for Members. Look for Books and Reading Materials. Explore more of Masonry with NOCALORE