Delta Chi - Kansas State University

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University

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THE DELTA CHI LEGES 3 A fter coming off a successful year despite the challenges of COVID-19, Kansas Chapter is exceeding expectations and accomplishing our goals for the year. We are proud to share that our chapter was awarded the President's Cup, Award of Excellence, Chapter Luminary, and Excellence with Distinction in all four core competency categories. We won every award we were eligible for with the highest possible distinctions, and we couldn't have done it without the help of our previous president, Austin Zellers '22, and his executive board. They persevered through hard times and helped lead the house to the best state it has been in years. On October 24, we successfully initiated 25 new brothers into the house, increasing our total number of active members to 91 and our number of live-in members to 65. Our recruitment chairmen, Cody Lange '24 and Koby Hinton '24, have already begun recruiting for both the spring semester and the next academic year. Last spring, Delta Chi placed ninth out of 22 IFC chapters with a cumulative GPA of 3.35. This is an increase from last fall, and we are hoping to have an even bigger boost this semester with the help of our newly initiated freshman class, which currently has a cumulative GPA of 3.6. We have hosted several successful events this semester, including our Lake of the Ozarks Formal, Family Weekend, Dad's Weekend, and the annual Kimball Scholarship meeting. At the meeting, we were lucky to have special guests Travis Goff '02 and Jason Booker '99, who are both Kansas Delta Chi alumni. They spoke to our members about several topics such as getting involved on campus, making the most of your time at KU, going the extra mile in everything you do, making connections with the people around you, and putting yourself in a position to succeed. This semester, our chapter plans on supporting the community by hosting and participating in several events to raise money for the Jimmy V Foundation. These events include hosting a dunk tank fundraiser, volunteering at a 5K, and volunteering to help clean up Allen Fieldhouse after a basketball game. We thank our philanthropy chairman, Nicholas Weishaar '23, for organizing these opportunities. Overall, we've had a fantastic start to the school year, and we hope to bring home another President's Cup in the near future. ITB, Logan Moore '23 Chapter President Exceeding Expectations Kansas Chapter Earns Awards and Perseveres Delta Chi brothers cheering on the basketball team in the front row at the annual Late Night in the Phog. From left: Cooper O'Keefe '24, Alex Adler '24, Jack Hegeman '22, John Hanneman '22, Patrick Claus '23, Bryce DeBok '23, and Logan Moore '23. Delta Chi IHQ "AA" Aaron Otto, Kansas State '98 presents the President's Cup, Award of Excellence, Chapter Luminary, and four core competency awards to the chapter. (Left) The 2020-21 executive board with their well-earned President's Cup, signifying the hard work they put in during challenging times. From left: Conor Lange '22, Jason Thompson '22, Clayton Anderson '22, Austin Zellers '22, Matthew Kriet '22, Pearse Millard '22, Neil Schell '22, and Mason Shaw '23. (Center) All 25 newly initiated members on the staircase for our traditional Initiation Day picture. (Right) Brothers planted 2,977 flags on our front lawn in honor of those who lost their lives during the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

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