Delta Chi - Kansas State University

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University

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A fter hosting a virtual May Meeting and Kimball Scholarship presentation last year due to COVID-19, it was especially great to return to Lawrence and be back at the house together on October 23. This circled date on the calendar is always a highlight for me and the Kimball Board, and this year certainly didn't disappoint! In 2021, we received a record of 41 scholarship applications. Based on our review and scoring criteria, we awarded 29 undergraduates with either a named Memorial Scholarship or Kimball Achievement Award. In addition, there were nine undergraduates who scored a perfect 4.0 in their spring semester, and each received $400 as part of the Mark Whitaker 4.0 Award. In total, Kimball distributed just over $21,000 in scholarship awards and grants this year (also a record!). Congratulations to each deserving recipient; keep up your great house, community, and university involvement—as well as your grades! I'm I t was great to see the undergraduates and alumni at the chapter house for our Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 23. We were treated to a guest appearance by our own Travis Goff '02, KU athletic director, and Jason Booker '99, athletics director for external affairs and revenue generation. They were kind enough to impart some words to live by before leaving for the KU versus OU football game that day. Following is the house corporation report on financials for our fiscal year May 2020–April 2021: Income = $204,811 · Rent from the Chapter: $175,000 · Kimball Education Foundation Grant: $18,000 · Alumni Contributions: $11,000 Expenses = $175,000 · Mortgage Interest: $33,000 · Repairs and Maintenance: $65,000 · Grounds Maintenance: $2,000 · Personal Property and RE Taxes: $44,000 · Insurance: $12,000 · Fundraising: $7,000 · Summer Utilities: $8,000 · Accounting Fees: $2,400 · KFLL Dues: $2,500 The mortgage balance as of October 23, 2021, is $595,000. If anyone is looking for more specific information, please email me with your questions or comments, and I would be happy to reply. We are always looking for "new blood" on the house corporation board. We think we have it well organized, so it does not take up too much of our volunteers' time. Let me know if you are interested in serving— we'd love to have you! On behalf of the house corporation board members, Scott Simmons '72, and Bruce Bodecker '72, I wish you all happy holidays and a prosperous new year. Keep an eye out for a save the date for the chapter's 100-year celebration, coming up in 2023! ITB, Jim Bjerkan '73 House Corporation President Office: (913) 859-0010 A Successful Annual Meeting A Recap of Financials Brothers Travis Goff '02 and Jason Booker '99 Return to the House for the 2021 Kimball Scholarship Awards Proud of Our Kansas Chapter Brothers A PUBLICATION OF THE KANSAS CHAPTER OF DELTA CHI LAWRENCE, KANSAS s FALL 2021 (Continued on page 2) particularly pleased to see how well the brothers in the house are doing—both academically (house GPA of 3.35) and also in returning the Delta Chi President's Cup back to our Kansas Chapter, which is the first time since 2014. Likewise, a special shoutout and thank you to Carol Ryan (daughter of Dale Willey '59) and her husband, Wes, for joining us at the meeting as we presented the Dale Willey Memorial Scholarship in person for the first time. The recipient this year was my nephew, Austin Zellers '22. I'm quite proud of him and there is no doubt at all that Dale would be too. During the meeting, we were extremely blessed and fortunate to have both Travis Goff '02, KU athletic director, and Jason Booker '99, athletics director for external affairs and revenue generation, share amazing thoughts and insights with the undergraduates. Hearing first hand from these tremendous people and Jayhawk leaders who, around 20 years ago were in their shoes, and having the opportunity to listen and learn about how they think about leadership and character was inspiring. Likewise, their message about seizing and leveraging every opportunity one has to get involved, both within

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