Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi at Bradley University
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THE TAXI NEWS ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER OF THETA XI • BRADLEY UNIVERSITY FALL 2021 Dear Brothers, My last article focused on the campaign update, its status, and a case for support. For this article, I wanted to focus on one of the great side effects we've experienced during this process—reconnecting with our brothers and how we can work to sustain those connections after the campaign is completed. First, know that we have resources available to you. Theta Xi Headquarters and Pennington & Company have contact databases that have had significant updates to member contact information throughout COVID-19. Our chapter and alumni board can be of assistance with planning and guidance. This last 6294, we had one member from the 1960s era work with us to organize a video conference with him and his classmates. He worked with Pennington to create and send an email to his brothers, and we used our premium video chat subscription to make it possible. It's wonderful to have opportunities to reconnect with brothers, and we have a few ideas for how to do so that we would like to put into play. Here are a few ideas that we're considering: • Peoria area social event, potentially with a father/son theme. • Chicago-based alumni outing, such as a Kane County Cougars baseball game. • Donor appreciation event in Chicago with a Chicago-style Beef and Bags tournament. RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR ALPHA SIGMA BROTHERS Alumni enjoy a cruise on Founder's Day. From left: Dave Jarvas '01, Kris Kopel '01, Jon Kujanski '00, Tony Donzelli '01, Scott Masur '99, and Craig Janus '00. Steve Katz '94 plays the piano at our Founder's Day celebration. Active members spent a day canvassing Bradley's campus, signing students up for COVID-19 vaccinations. Alumni enjoy a summer vacation in Powers Lake, Wis. From left: Emily Janus, Katie Kopel, Craig Janus '00, John Kiolbasa '01, Kris Kopel '01, Ed Zemke, Chrissy Cap, Dave Jarvas '01, Baxter (center), and Eric Curtis '01. The Theta Xi "Vax Hunters," who booked 410 COVID-19 vaccination appointments for people in 25 states, get featured in a magazine. Volunteering on a housing board is not for everyone; however, there are other opportunities for brothers to assist the chapter. We would love for brothers to help Theta Xi by coordinating an outing—do something you love with the help of your brothers. We're looking for volunteers, so if you have the desire to assist in this way, please let us know. We are, after all, a social fraternity. Yours in the Bonds, Craig Janus '00, Campaign Board Chairman (314) 435-4495 | Embrace Opportunities to Stay Connected