Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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LION'S LORE A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E K A N S A S B E T A C H A P T E R O F S I G M A A L P H A E P S I L O N FALL 2021 K ansas Beta has had an outstanding year, claiming the award for Top Fraternity at K-State for the 2020-21 academic year. Additionally, this past summer, Kansas Beta was thrilled to receive the North American Interfraternity Conference's Chapter Award of Distinction, which is awarded to the top five fraternity chapters in the nation. After winning the Fraternity Zeal Award for the Best SAE Chapter in the Nation in 2020, we remain committed to our goals of advancing Kansas Beta and setting the bar for fraternities across the nation. Several of our brothers were awarded individual awards at the 165th SAE National Convention. Bret Ambrosier '23 was named SAE Recruitment Chairman of the Year and Blake Steele '23 was named as an Outstanding Treasurer by SAE. Additionally, housemother Mary Mignano was recognized as the Outstanding House Director of the Year by Fraternity and Sorority Life at K-State. Kansas Beta aspires to remain a top chapter in terms of academics, athletics, social events, philanthropy, and community service. All brothers are working hard to achieve the following goals: • Finish in the top three for grades in the fall 2021 semester • Finish with the highest philanthropic contribution among fraternities • Win the Greek intramural championship for 2021-22 Recruitment Kansas Beta remains at the forefront of recruitment and successfully filled the chapter house for yet another semester. Our recruitment team, spearheaded by Luke Ludwikoski '23 and Bret Ambrosier '23, worked tirelessly to excel through a variety of training seminars led by chapter advisor John Hatfield '77. Throughout the spring and summer, our team was committed to bringing in a diverse group of men from across the nation. They were able to achieve this with four new members coming from out of state, 12 from Western and Central Kansas, and 11 from the Greater Kansas City area. These 27 new members all show outstanding leadership potential. Over the last several months, they have been involved in a variety of facets across campus. (Continued on page 2) Kansas Beta Continues to Achieve Excellence in All Areas of Chapter Life Scholastic Success Kansas Beta continues to deliver top- tier scholastic results. The continued dedication of our brothers earned us a 3.64 all-chapter GPA for the spring 2021 semester. Over a third of our members achieved a 4.0 GPA and two- thirds achieved a 3.5 or higher. Kansas Beta's GPA earned third place out of the 22 fraternities at K-State. Additionally, our GPA was much higher than the all-fraternity average of 3.36 and the all-university men's average of 3.13. I am extremely proud of our brothers' commitment to academics. Athletic Competitiveness This past spring, Kansas Beta finished second overall in intramurals among all 22 fraternities on campus. Our slow pitch softball team established itself as the top fraternity team at K-State, Kansas Beta's Celebration of Excellence event on October 9.

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