Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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3 A s we all gradually return to normalcy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, thankfully so do our Chapter operations. I want to personally extend my gratitude to the alumni, especially the housing corporation, and all of our current and recently graduated Brothers who helped to sustain the Chapter through a most stressful period of our history. We would not have been able to jump back into the midst of things were it not for their assistance. Jumping right back in is precisely what we did. All of the Brothers are back at the house or on campus, with 25 Brothers living between 119 and 120 Bay State Road, and more to surely move in come spring. It certainly felt strange to be among all the Brothers once more, some of whom we had only met virtually, but it has nevertheless been a great joy to rekindle old bonds or build new friendships. We were even able to hold an almost normal recruitment, hosting large numbers of prospective new members and guests, albeit masked, at the house for many events. ese included the tried-and-true Beta Carnival, the recently conceived charity poker, and late nights abundant with milkshakes, boba, and miracle berries. In addition to our in-house events, some of our other events included high-speed go-karting, kayaking on the Charles River, going to a trampoline park, and playing airso. It was a successful recruitment by many marks, and it culminated in the delivery of 24 bids and the acceptance of 14. Our new members will be fully initiated into the brotherhood on November 14. Normalcy within reasonable boundaries has further allowed us to kick the rest of the semester into high gear, reviving traditions like the camping retreat, the Beta food/cooking challenge, outings to distinguished Boston museums, and the brotherhood Olympics. In addition to all of these fine brotherhood events, we have several upcoming mixers and the Beta Formal (which may be on the Charles once more). We will also be holding a community service event this fall. In addition, our Christmas ornament philanthropy event will be making a triumphant return. Furthermore, I want to acknowledge our share of awards that we received as a Chapter at Beta's 182nd convention. We received the North Dakota Award for Excellence in Jumping Back In Beta Brothers Embrace Traditions Financial Support Needed! A s you might expect, COVID-19 and the inability to fully utilize our facility has had a significant financial impact on the Chapter. Although MIT provided financial assistance to the house corporation to cover our fixed costs, the Chapter missed out on summer rental income the past two years. is money is generally used to offset Chapter operating costs. e Chapter has trimmed its budget as much as possible, but they still have a shortfall while they try to keep house bills affordable. Many of you are already donors, but it would be tremendous if you could provide additional financial assistance at http:// to help us support the Chapter during this one-time situation. ank you for your support! Betas and guests enjoy food, conversation, and games at the Great Beta Carnival recruitment event. Guests show their true gaming mettle, squaring off against Brothers in a fighting video game. Following a successful and fun fall recruitment, the Chapter gathers to welcome 14 new members. Beta Upsilon received its first Knox Award—an outstanding achievement. Chapter Publications, the Excellence in Risk Management Award, and the Whitman Choral Cup. For the ninth time in our history, we received the Francis H. Sisson Award, and for the first time ever, we received the John Reilly Knox Award, the highest possible honor that a Chapter can receive from Beta eta Pi. I want to give special thanks to Kyle Markland '23, who spearheaded the effort to apply for these awards, and I also want to extend my sincere thanks to the Chapter advisors and the alumni (especially our recent predecessors and the housing corporation) for their support and work in building up Beta Upsilon Chapter to where it stands. It is my pleasure to also announce that Beta Upsilon is preparing again for its installation ceremony. Alumni and guests are invited and welcome, and more information will be shared later. Additionally, since MIT will be hosting the classes of 2020 and 2021 for graduation on ursday, May 26, and Friday, May 27, the Chapter is tentatively planning an evening event at the house on one of those graduation dates to give our recent alumni a hearty welcome back. Seeing the Chapter bounce back with vigor from the pandemic is so relieving and heart- warming. I am humbled to have had a share in this process—a process that has ultimately been led not by myself or any other executive officer of the Chapter, but by the care and labors of our collective brotherhood. Yours in _kai_, Keith Mokry '22 Chapter President

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