Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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2 T here's nothing like yogurt made in a bathtub! at's how Miracle Yogurt and Sundance Yogurt came to be. As an avid wrestler and weightlier, Steve "Bish" Bishko '68 wanted a high-protein, low-fat training food. He used Adele Davis' yogurt recipe, and soon other Betas, as well as local health food stores, became interested. Bish welded a spout on a 10-gallon pot and began making it in the Beta kitchen. When increased interest included the Boston Food Co-op and the Cambridge Food Co-op, the 10-gallon pot was clearly inadequate; so Bish got a bathtub, had it elevated on a wood frame, and hooked the drain up to two spigots in the front basement room. To make the yogurt, he and Cam Wilson '73 would mix a 25-pound bag of powdered milk, enough cream for smooth texture and flavor, and starter culture. When the temperature was right, they would fill a bunch of one-quart containers and throw a sleeping bag over them. It would incubate in its own heat for a few hours and then they refrigerated it. e Brothers had labels printed with a cartoon character eating yogurt. Across the label was written, "It's a miracle if it tastes good!" e health department wouldn't look at the operation. at business went for over three years and the yogurt was very popular. In the fall of 1975, Bish rented space in a dairy near Framingham and Cam, having just graduated, invested and traveled from Washington State to co-found Sundance Yogurt. at's another story. Sundance was marketed over much of New England and a little in upstate New York. e reason Sundance didn't succeed is because they made yogurt differently from anyone else. ey used prepasteurized ingredients, so they maintained that they didn't need to be repasteurized, which would require costly equipment. e state was fine with that, but not the city of Boston at the behest of their main competitor, Colombo Yogurt. e key to a successful food business is selling at chain stores, such as Stop and Shop. e stores wouldn't accept their yogurt unless they sold in all their stores, even if they only had one store in Boston. Without getting into the chains, the Brothers couldn't get the financing to get into flavored half pints, which were more profitable both in volume and profit margin. In 1978, there was a full front-page feature in e Real Paper titled, "Banned in Boston," telling the whole story. It's a Miracle If It's Good! The Story of Miracle Yogurt Congratulations to the Brothers of MIT for being in the top five Chapters for total number of donors AND total dollars raised. What an outstanding accomplishment! Thank You, Loyal Brothers, for Donating to Beta Upsilon's Annual Fund DAY OF GIVING DONORS April 21, 2021 ank You for Making Beta's Day of Giving a Success! B eta Upsilon sends its sincere thanks to the generous Brothers who have contributed to the Chapter's annual campaign. Our Brotherhood would not be where it is today without their dedication to the Chapter. ose who have donated to Beta Upsilon in 2021 are listed below. If an error has been made in recording your name, we sincerely apologize. If corrections to your giving record are needed, please contact the campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661. ank you, again, for your loyal support. Edwin C. Bell '58 Gary L Blakely '58 Dale E. Miller '63 Robert A. Grant '64 Bruce A. Lautenschlager '70 Simeon Chow '77 Lampros M. Fatsis '77 Roger W. Lacy '79 John C. Kerins '80 William L. Chesterson '82 Michael G. Feinstein '82 Mark A. Goldberg '82 David A. Krall '82 Alan L. Laves '82 David A. Milich '82 Daniel L. Kramer '83 Michael A. Lopez '83 Robert A. Kukura '84 William T. Maimone '84 Richard C. Steines '84 David J. Lineman '85 Tom W. Rooze '85 Kenneth J. Shine '85 Robert J. Struble '85 Raymond F. Brunsberg '86 Anthony P. DiPesa Jr. '86 Alexander A. Romeo '86 James F. Brennan III '87 Edward H. Schreyer '87 Kendall R. Bryan '88 David M. Kramer '88 Robert E. Mentle '88 Bennett J. Silverman '88 James S. Cureton '89 Daniel A. Frankel '89 Michael P. McGovern '89 Michael D. Rechtin Jr. '89 David R. Dellagrotte '90 Cornelius P. Harrigan '90 Jeff A. Kalt '90 Andrew T. Obst '90 Robert M. Ramstad '90 Francisco D. Aguirre III '91 Kenneth Y. Chay '91 John E. Sell '91 John C. Springsteen '91 Michael A. Duffy Jr. '92 Steven C. Hao '92 Todd A. Simson '92 Erik J. Abernathy '93 Frank J. Leibly III '93 Christopher J. Shutts '93 Randolph E. West '93 L. David Samuel '94 Brian P. DiVasta '95 Noah J. Breslow '97 Andrew Mutch III '98 Mehul P. Shah '01 Fernando Rivera-Gonzalez '14 Youyang Gu '15 Kollin B. Wasserlein '19 Colin P. Chaney '21 Alexander K. Craig '21 Ki Fredeen '21 Nicholas Salinas '21 Pedro Pavao Neto '22 Jon K. Stenger '22 Pedro A. Colon '23 Jacob A. Rodriguez '23 Joshua S. Rohrbaugh '23 David A. Spicer '23 Eeshan Tripathii '23 Jordan W. Wilke '23 Anne Moreland Kern In memory of John C. Kern '50 Donn W. Barber '42 John C. Kern '50 Herbert B. Voelcker '51 Frederick W. Weitz '51 Charles G. Beaudette '52 Louis J. Lee '52 Robert F. Law '54 John P. Seagle '55 John T. Sutton '55 Alfred E. Wechsler '55 R. Gordon Black '56 Robert C. Brigham '56 Ward D. Halverson '56 Robert A. MacDonald Jr. '56 Robert E. Kersey '57 Henry C. Young Jr. '57 Edwin C. Bell '58 Samuel R. Fryer Jr. '59 Stephen J. Yeretsky '59 Dick Oeler '60 In memory of COVID-19 Gary W. Bickel '61 Philip J. Robinson '61 Richard C. Williamson '61 Dr. James S. Draper '62 In memory of Booker T. Stanfield G. Mead Wyman '62 Harold O. Branson '63 Kent L. Groninger '63 Richard M. Harris '63 Leslie M. Boring Jr. '64 In memory of David H. Koch '62 Jon E. Burkhardt '64 Richard A. Carpenter '64 In memory of Booker T. Stanfield Michael J. Monsler '64 Richard E. Nygren '66 Peter B. Dinsdale '67 Bruce A. Lautenschlager '70 Gary L. Gibian '71 William H. Preece Jr. '71 Wilford D. Gardner '72 Paul R. Hochfeld '72 Arthur J. Kilmurray Jr. '72 Jeffrey Murray '72 In memory of Ken Gerber '71 Daniel J. Nadler '72 Robert J. Tronnier '73 Robert E. Minshall '74 Stanley J. Shursky '74 Simeon Chow Ph.D. '77 Lampros M. Fatsis '77 Jerry Cole '78 Robert D. Knecht '78 Herman L. Marshall '78 omas A. Hauer '79 In memory of Beth Barrett Hauer Roger W. Lacy '79 John C. Kerins '80 Paul B. Rothman '80 Lewis H. Bender '81 Robert E. Harris '81 Michael G. Feinstein '82 In memory of Dave Bedrosian '81 Patrick K. Fowler '83 Mark P. Bouchard '84 William T. Maimone '84 Richard C. Steines '84 Michael E. Flanagan '85 Dimitri N. Kazarinoff '85 Raymond A. Mills '85 Bob Struble '85 In memory of Rob Boye '88 In honor of John Doyle Anthony P. DiPesa Jr. '86 Alexander A. Romeo '86 Marty St. George Lei H. Tung '86 Ken Bryan '88 Michael D. Rechtin Jr. '89 Ben Silverman '89 Daniel T. Moriarty '90 Earl J. Watkins '90 John E. Sell '91 John C. Springsteen '91 In memory of Rob Boye '88 Albert G. "Jay" Coulson III '94 Michael W. Miller '96 Chet Reshamwala '01 Mehul P. Shah '02 Kevin T. Chen '05 In memory of Eric R. Scarborough '05 Ryan P. Luersen '09 In memory of Eric R. Scarborough '05 Jacob Wachlin '16

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