Up & Coming Weekly

July 20, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 14 UCW JULY 21-27, 2021 SPORTS Fayetteville fencers at the All-Amer- ican Fencing Academy earned na- tional competitor ratings and national referee ratings during the Academy's one and only sanctioned event during the 2020-2021 season. During most of the 2020-2021 sea- son, sanctioned fencing tournaments had been cancelled. Recent policy changes with USA Fencing has now allowed national and local sanctioned tournaments. In June, Fayetteville hosted fencers from Greensboro, Charlotte, Apex, Greenville, Wilmington and the state of Alabama. In the men's events Holden Moore- field was after his first national rating and came out of pools undefeated and seeded number 1. He defeated top seed teammate Bruce McRae, drop- ping Bruce down to 5th seed in the elimination rounds. In the elimination rounds, All- American Fencing Academy's oldest fencer, Steve Cage, at age 65, upset the 4th seed to place in the top 8. Moorefield and McRae once again met in the semi-final round where McRae had trailed for most of the bout, but was able to squeeze in a vic- tory winning against Moorefield 15- 13. McRae and Moorefield will both be attending UNC-Chapel Hill where they will also be roommates. McRae continued on to win the men's event against Leo Hinds from Greensboro. McRae re-earns his na- tional E rating for Men's Foil. Women's foil saw a stronger pool of fencers with 5 already nationally rated fencers in the tournament. Megan Patterson seeded 1st coming out of the pools, followed by Isabelle Guevarra in 5th, Sabrina Krupenko in 7th, and Elinor Morkos in 12th. Unfortuantely, teammates Guevarra and Morkos faced each other in the first elimination round where Gue- varra won 15-3 to advance. Patterson and Krupenko also advanced into the second round. Guevarra aged up in 2020 and was hoping to earn her first rating last fall, but had not had the opportunity to fence in any sanctioned events since the pandemic. is was her first tournament in the age 13+ (Seniors) category. A close victory against Greenville's Lynn Harris put her in the semi-final rounds against teammate Patterson, guaranteeing Guevarra her first national E rating. Patterson defeated Guevarra but was defeated in the finals by Apex Fencing Academy's Datla Medha. Pat- terson also renews her E rating. e sport of fencing is growing world-wide. In a historically Europe- an dominated sport, U.S. teams have consistently been in the top places on the world stage for several years. In the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo, fencing, for the first time, will have a full medal count. ere will be 6 individual medals and 6 team medals in this next Olympics. e All-American Fencing Academy also hosts a Walk-In Class for fencers that want to give it a try without mak- ing a full month commitment. e Walk-In Classes occur during Down- town Fayetteville's Fourth Friday events. e All-American Fencing Academy is located in Downtown Fayetteville at 207 B Donaldson St. It instructs and trains recreational and competitive fencers starting at age 7, teens, adults and veterans ages 40+. Its fencers compete regionally and nationally. eir coaches include former World Cup and NCAA fencers. For more information about the All-American Fencing Academy and its classes, please call 910-644-0137, e- mail info@allamericanfencing.com or visit www.allamericanfencing.com. Local fencers earn national ratings a STAFF REPORT Help your kids to develop reading and critical thinking skills by playing games, solving puzzles, and reading exciting educational stories! Two fencers compete in a recent bout. (Photo courtesy All-American Fencing Academy)

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