Up & Coming Weekly

March 30, 2021

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2021 UCW 13 COVER e Fayetteville Dinner eatre is back after a pandemic hiatus and ready to kick off their season with the fun and entertaining musical Mystery Din- ner eatre production of "A Sinister Cabaret: Love Letters/ Sleight of Hand." Formally known as the Bordeaux Dinner eater before its demise in the mid-1980s, Fayetteville Dinner eatre has been reintroduced to the Fayetteville and Cumberland County community by local businessman, entrepre- neur, and Up & Coming Weekly newspaper publisher Bill Bowman. e FDT's first production was in 2016, with "A Southern Girl's Got To Have It" written and directed by local Fayetteville playwright Elaine Alexander. It was the overwhelming success of this production that motivated Bowman to create a totally "new and unique dinner theatre experience for Fayetteville and Cumberland County audiences." With the FDT celebrating its fifth year with the production of "A Sinister Cabaret," Bowman follows through with his strategy of utilizing local creative writers and talented actors to create a unique and enjoyable evening of dinner theatre. "A Sinister Cabaret: Love Letters/ Sleight of Hand" is written and directed by Fayetteville resident Dr. Gail Morfesis. No stranger to the local arts and cultural community, Dr. Morfesis has a doctorate in music, voice, and theater. Dr. Morfesis is very active in the Fayetteville arts community as a singer, performer and ardent volun- teer. She has directed many shows with the Gilbert eater and at Fayetteville Technical Community College. Talented and with a penchant for mischie- vous humor, Morfesis has created her unique style and format for her original plays. One of the more exciting aspects of "A Sinister Cabaret" is that it is never the same show twice. e music, dancing and comedy stay the same; however, the "whodunit" is a mystery. And this is how Morfe- sis intended it to be. She enjoys writing what she de- scribes "as fun, interactive comedy." ere are other unique aspects of this dinner theatre production. In the show, Morfesis also plays one of the leading characters, Francis Maximillian. Fayetteville actress Tabitha Humphrey, who plays Percy Barker, actually created the character she is portraying. She described her audition with Morfe- sis as open and unique. She was instructed to come prepared to audition with a love song rather than reading lines from the script. Once she was cast, Humphrey was given the creative opportunity to ex- press herself and assist in creating the character and how she impacts the murder mystery plot. "Dr. Gail gave us creative freedom of our char- acters while she maintained creative control," said Humphrey. She added that she enjoyed working with the cast and the acting and improvisation became much easier once she got to know everyone and became familiar with their characters. Leading actor Jim Smith, who plays Sylvester Sly Fox, said, "this play is a mystery with several different plots within the main characters, and is very intrigu- ing. It's a mystery as to how they play ends and how all the ladies feel about my character." Smith did not want to give too much away about his character but is excited to be a part of the cast and production. Interactive shows like "A Sinister Cabaret" are becoming common in the dinner theatre scene. Bowman said, "People are looking for fun and enter- taining things to do in these trying times. ey need some relief from the tensions caused by their jobs, or lack of, racial unrest, riots, pandemics, lockdowns, vaccines, social distancing restrictions, and Zoom meetings." "e timing for this comedy is perfect, and we are expecting a great response and turnout. Celebrating one year of COVID restrictions, you can bet people are ready to ditch the lockdowns and get out of their houses in search of some fun and wholesome enter- tainment. And that is what the Fayetteville Dinner eatre is all about. What better to celebrate than with a show that's fun and showcases a local play- wright and local actors? Besides, it's about time that people seeking good dinner theatre venues don't have to travel to Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston Salem, or Greensboro for quality entertainment." In addition to "A Southern Girl's Got To Have It," the Fayetteville Dinner eatre has produced "M is for Mullet," "e Fantastiks," and "HamLIT." e May 2020 FDT show that was canceled due to COVID-19 was titled "Mark Twain Himself," starring Richard Garey from Hannibal, Missouri. Garey owns his own Playhouse in Hannibal and is a Samuel Clem- ent scholar. His performances are known for their authenticity. Garey brings Mark Twain to life, and Bowman hopes the FDT will be able to reschedule his perfor- mance in the fall. It is a show the entire Fayetteville and Cumberland County community will appreci- ate and enjoy from an entertainment and historical point of view. e Fayetteville Dinner eatre is all about having a unique theatre and dining experience. e FDT prides itself on focusing on the "wow" factor. Every evening starts with a Preshow Welcome Reception hosted by Gates Four Country Club. It includes a wine tasting followed by the show and a three-course meal prepared especially for the FDT audiences. ere are gifts, door prizes and a dessert bar set up during the intermission. After the show, the FDT hosts a Meet and Greet with the actors and actresses. Gates Four Golf & Country Club is the home of the Fayetteville Dinner eatre. It is a gated community located in western Cumberland County near Hope Mills. Gates Four is known for its beautiful residen- tial neighborhoods, quaint country landscapes, and its challenging 18-hole golf course. e FDT performance of "A Sinister Cabaret: Love Letters/Sleight of Hand" will hit the center stage on Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10. Tickets and reservations may be made online at www.fayette- villedinnertheatre.com. e Preshow Welcome Reception begins at 6:00 p.m. Dinner and the performance begins at 7:00 p.m. Open seating with social distancing practices will be in place. Tickets are $75 per person with discounts available for active duty military, seniors 65+ and Gates Four members and residents. Parties of six or eight may purchase VIP tables. For more information about tickets or how your business or organization can exclusively sponsor a FDT production, contact the Box Office at 910-391- 3859 or email bbowman@upandcomingweekly.com. Partial proceeds from the FDT show will benefit Cumberland County education through the Kidsville News! Literacy and Education Foundation, a (501c3), provides reading and educational resources for local children and teachers. Audiences invited to enjoy a night of mystery and entertainment at the Fayetteville Dinner Theatre by AUDREY HOGUE Fayetteville Dinner eatre performances of "A Sinister Cabaret: Love Letters/Sleight of Hand" are scheduled for April 9 and 10. Tickets and reservations may be made online at www.fayettevilledinnertheatre.com. AUDREY HOGUE, Up & Coming Weekly Intern. COMMENTS? Editor@ upandcomingweekly.com 910-484-6200.

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