Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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strong leaders, excelling academics, and astounding athletes. Academics continues to be at the forefront of our goals and achievements, as members continue advancing scholastically. Our members improve themselves through the True Gentleman and, in turn, maintain and excel the glory Sigma Alpha Epsilon has had in the past, has today, and will have in the future. None of this would be possible without your continued alumni support. We are especially proud of the summer 2020 external renovation project and use the enhanced facilities daily, thanks to each of you. We want your dedications to be recognized and for you to share in our successes. Today and every day, we appreciate the positive impact your contributions have had on not only our house, but the men that enter it. If you find yourself in the Manhattan area, we would love for you to swing by the chapter house to visit. Fraternally, Parker Larson '23 Chapter President New member goal setting meeting. ZEAL AWARD WINNING KANSAS BETA (Continued from page 1) 2 C harlie Chandler '75 comes from a long line of Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers, including his father, grandfather, uncles, brother, and brother-in-law. Even so, he visited several fraternities as a K-State freshman, but ultimately found the men at SAE to be likeable and most welcoming. "I have been fortunate to stay engaged with quite a few SAE brothers since graduation, and they are among my closest friends," Charlie said, grateful that the fraternity has remained a large part of his life. "Kansas Beta has become such an excellent example of what Greek life should be!" Among the events and day-to-day happenings with brothers, Charlie found his first major leadership roles at Kansas Beta, including Eminent Chronicler and Eminent Archon; these would prepare him well for his future. "I learned greatly from these leadership opportunities… including making plenty of mistakes!" Charlie entered the banking industry after graduating with a degree in finance from KSU, and after receiving an MBA in banking and finance from Northwestern University, he began working for First National Bank in Wichita (now INTRUST Bank). He now serves as chairman, president, and CEO of INTRUST Financial Corporation, where he uses his community banking experience to lead various organizations and initiatives in the communities INTRUST serves. Though he has enjoyed substantial success in his work life, Charlie is most proud of his family; he has SAE to thank in part for that as well. Charlie met his wife, Marla, at K-State; she is an Alpha Chi Omega alumna. They married in 1976 and have four wonderful children, who have given them six grandchildren with one more on the way. "We are further blessed that all of them live in Wichita." HONORED TO BE IN KANSAS BETA Charlie Chandler '75 Thanks SAE for Success, Friendship From left: Steve Lacy '76, Bill Shaw '75, and Charlie Chandler '75 gather with their mothers on Mothers Weekend in 1975. Charlie is also thankful for the many opportunities he's had to stay involved as a KSU and Kansas Beta alumnus. Within SAE, he has supported the leadership of brothers Steve Lacy '76, Bill Shaw '75, and John Morgan '75, and he also credits his long friendship with John Hatfield '77 with giving him valuable chapter insights. Charlie has done his best to assist the chapter when called upon, whether financially or otherwise. "I would encourage all to stay involved and help keep Kansas Beta growing as the finest fraternity at K-State!" In his free time, Charlie enjoys time at the lake with friends and family, collecting and restoring old cars, and flying. He remains in touch with many brothers and enjoys getting together with them in Manhattan. Connect with Charlie at charlie.chandler@ Brothers enjoy first snowfall.

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