Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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LION'S LORE A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E K A N S A S B E T A C H A P T E R O F S I G M A A L P H A E P S I L O N SPRING 2021 I t has been a great year for Kansas Beta. We recently won the Zeal Award for the best SAE chapter in the nation and are striving to be the best chapter at Kansas State University. Kansas Beta Chapter aspires to be the best in academics, athletics, social events, philanthropy, and community service. These goals are well within our reach thanks to the dedication of our members and alumni alike. We initiated 31 members last fall, all of whom have incredible leadership, academic, and athletic potential. Many of them are already stepping into leadership roles. We also initiated three new members this spring. All brothers are working hard to achieve the following goals: • Win Top Fraternity in the Nation. • Finish in the top three for grades in the spring 2021 semester. • Finish with the highest philanthropic contribution among all fraternities. • Win Fraternity of the Year at K-State. Scholastic Success Academic excellence is a top priority at Kansas Beta. The hard work of the brothers manifested itself with a 3.68 all-chapter GPA for the fall 2020 semester. Over a quarter of our members achieved a 4.0 GPA, and 60 members achieved a 3.5 or higher. SAE's fall GPA achieved first place out of the 22 fraternities at K-State. Additionally, our GPA was much higher than the all- fraternity average of 3.38 and the all-university men's average of 3.06. I am very proud of the hard work of our brothers. Continued Competitiveness Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, intramurals were postponed. However, Kansas Beta still made an effort to stay competitive by creating an interfraternal league for football and hosting in-house basketball tournaments. Our members were excited to compete with other fraternities and showed some incredible grit and hustle. We have our eyes set on first place when intramurals resume. Philanthropic Pride Our philanthropic endeavors are a huge part of what defines us at Kansas Beta. We love raising money for good causes and raised over $10,000 for Children's Miracle Network in 2020. Last fall, we were thankful to host philanthropies amidst the pandemic. We hosted a car wash, which raised $1,500 that was matched by alumni contributions. Additionally, we hosted a drive-thru shrimp boil that raised over $1,300 where members boiled shrimp on the front driveway and served it to the surrounding community. Our members and the community were excited that we were able to host our fall philanthropies and make significant contributions. Involved on Campus In other news, four freshmen are holding executive positions for the spring semester, and four brothers are serving on Student Government: Governmental Relations Chairman Justin Watkins '22, Senators Blaine Snyder '21 and Fischer Carr '22, and At- Large Committee Member Cashe McVey '23. Recruitment for the spring is off to a strong start. The team has met with more than 50 prospects thus far. Advancing into the Future The Kansas Beta Chapter continues advancing as one of the best fraternities in the nation. Recruitment each term brings in (Continued on page 2) ZEAL AWARD WINNING KANSAS BETA DELIVERS NO. 1 GRADES FOR FALL 2020 SEMESTER Recruitment retreat in January 2021.

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