Up & Coming Weekly

December 22, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1322284

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 16 UCW DECEMBER 23-29, 2020 1-877-351-0391 Visit PittmanDavis.com/MN148 Order Item #MXSP, mention Code PNVH-N148 and Save 33% Only $19.99 (reg. $29.99), plus FREE Shipping. * Satisfaction completely guaranteed. Order by December 17, 2020 for GUARANTEED Christmas delivery. Call Now or go Online and SAVE 33% with FREE Shipping * Limited time o er, good while supplies last. Not valid with any other o er. Limit 5 boxes per customer. IC: PNVHN Pittman & Davis, Harlingen, TX 78552 ese healthy, hand-picked, snack size fruit are specially nurtured and treasured for their ultra-sweet avor. ese will delight everyone on your list and for a very special price. Send a box full of Winter Sunshine. 3 unique varieties + FREE Shipping! * WAS $29.99 NOW ONLY $ 19 99 Mixed Fruit Medley FREE Shipping * & 33% OFF * Free standard shipping to the 48 contiguous states. • 6 Rio Ruby ™ Red Gems • 8 Tiny Tim Navels • 4 Mini Fuji Apples Rich In Vitamin C Why law enforcement is essential for the community a STAFF REPORT Much of 2020 has been dominated by newsmaking events that have made the year one few people will soon forget. Unprecedented and stressful circumstan- ces can contribute to spirited debates and uncertainty about the future. Complicated situations can affect people in many ways, but the public may be wise to take some cues on how to navigate challenging situa- tions from the professionals who routinely find themselves confronting adversity. Law enforcement officers who don the uniform each and every day routinely put others first in the name of public safety. According to the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, there are now more than 800,000 sworn law enforce- ment officers serving in the United States, which is the highest figure ever. Officers often step up to serve despite the risks associated with working in law enforce- ment. A total of 1,627 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty over the past 10 years. There were 135 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2019 alone. Law enforcement personnel serve many important roles in the communities they serve. Here's a closer look at the integral roles of police and other law enforcement personnel. -Maintain law and order: The police force is made up of many different departments with the collective goal of maintaining law and order. Traffic police are responsible for enfor- cing the rules of the road and minimizing the chance of accidents. Other departments canvas the streets ensuring that residents' civil liber- ties are not being compromised. -Save lives: W hether they're preventing a life- threatening crime or administering emergency medical care at a car accident until an ambu- lance can arrive, law enforcement officers save lives every day. -Assist in adverse situations and provide crisis support: Police officers often fill the role of counselor or friend to people who find themselves in difficult situations. An officer can play a part in helping peop- le make better life choices in the future. Training in situational de-escalation also means police officers are capable of defu- sing difficult situations before they snow- ball into serious, potentially life-threate- ning confrontations. -Investigate crimes: Police are the first people to respond when crimes have been committed. These individuals investigate the situation and find the perpetrator. -Foster strong communities: Law enforce- ment officers share a unique solidarity with other officers, peers, community leaders, and even medical professionals, which helps to create a strong fabric for a community. Officers frequently have each other's backs as well as the respect and support of the public for putting their lives on the line. Law enforcement is an essential component of orderly, safe and supportive communities. Recognizing and respecting the important role law enforcement officials play is a great way to show them how much their efforts and sacrifi- ces are appreciated. FEATURE Police are the f irst people to respond when crimes have been committed. These indiiduals investigate the situation and f ind the perpetrator.

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